flowers I got at the Lady Bird Johnson Gardens a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


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I picked up a six pack at the gardens last fall and they ae some of them blooming now. I've lost the tag so I don't know what some of these are.


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1 and 3 are coreopsis
2 is Ratibida columnaris~ Mexican Hat
4 is coneflower
5 probably scabiosa
Ron I know 1 is black jack daisy. I found it's little marker. yes they are mexican hat and coreopsis I'm not sure about the last one so will use your name. The coneflower is supposed to be a blackeyed susan. but yeah it is a cone flower. One good thing about getting plants there is they live in this climate that I'm in. I have so much fun putting things in my garden. The tarragon is taking over again this year. but I cut it back alot and love to use it to cook chicken. I sent my hubby out once to get me some and he brought back rosemary so I used that also.
I have more trouble remembering names of plants but I sure like them whatever there names are. Maybe i should call them Bob and Ron and Randy and Curbie and Crabber. I can remember those names. lol
I was googleing the other day and came across a pic of the last flower and I wrote down the name, then promptly lost the paper, But it might be a bee balm.
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Kya D I believe you found it. I know that is what was on the name tag. I will be in trouble when all this goes to seed and takes over the garden but I will have lovely weeds next year. It is so pretty though and it will go here if we have rain or not. Ok now this is the last one I don't have a name for.


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Ipomopsis Standing cypress can act as a biennial, sometimes a perennial!
I'm experimenting with them this year!
They are suppose to attract hummers!
Should be fun growing them in almost pure sand and high winds!
A professional seed collector states that they are at their best planted in a group of at least a dozen to show their best!
If they are biennual (in your area) you will need to plant some each year so you will have them every year for bloom!
If perennial then you wont need to do this!

Lyn, please post a close-up of #5 so I would have a better idea!
Try the crushed leaf method, if the foliage is fragrant then it is a monarda!
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Ron is this the one you wanted the close up of? It did say lemon mint on the tag. I think it is pretty and it will spread like wildfire here. I had some a couple of years ago.


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I just bought a 6 pack of a variety of plants so I only have one of each plant. I just didn't think they would get that tall. The standing cyprus is over 6 feet now.
Yup! Monarda!
One of the newer cultivar! I'll do a search to see if I can find the name of yours!

It is not a new one, but a native type calledM. punctata ~Spotted Horsemint, short term perennial that will resead itself. Hardy to zone 3.
It does have a long flowering period and the colored bracks last almost the full season!
I'd say that one is a keeper! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
