Free Seed Offers a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
Here are some sites I have found which offer free seeds - you'll have to look at each one to find out the particulars of their offer.
If you know of another site, please add it to this thread as a hyperlink in your post. :)

America The Beautiful

Gardener's Choice

Symbol Of Hope - free Four O'clock seeds
FREE FOUR-O'CLOCK SEEDS - Free four-o'clock seeds can be obtained by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope with two First-class stamps or two international first-class stamps on the return envelope to:
Four-o'clocks Around the World
P.O. Box 8931
Metairie, Louisiana 70011-8931

Arbor Day 10 free trees with $10 membership (other goodies as well)

Biblical Gardens

Free Butterfly Garden Seeds - It's easy to entice Nature's "Flying Flower", the Butterfly, to become a frequent visitor to your garden when you plant a special selection of colorful, nectar rich annuals that have been hand selected by the Butterfly Garden Club. These stunning flowers are easy to grow and bloom quickly from spring right through summer. You can enjoy the beauty of the Butterfly all season long.

WinterSown We would love to share our seeds with you to make it even easier to try winter sowing!

Free tomato seeds – send separate from above!!! WinterSown Tomato
Heirloom Tomato or Hybrid Tomato? Which is better? We send both in our SASE so you can decide for yourself.

Plant Milkweed everywhere! Butterfly Seeds

The Stewardship of Life Free tomato seeds & Christian literature.

PoopsieCat Products - Free Oat Grass Seeds for your cat.

Ed Hume Seeds offers free vegetable seeds with the "Plant a row for the hungry", and donate vegetables from the free seed offer to this worthwhile organization. Plant A Row for the Hungry encourages gardeners to plant vegetable crops and donate the bounty to their local food bank.
Mow's Garden

Here's a few helpful links about saving your own seeds.

Basic Seed Saving

Saving Seeds at NorthernGardening

Saving Your Own Tomato Seeds

Saving Seeds with "Our Garden Gang"

The Seed Site seed and seedling identification (don't want to pull up the baby plants with the weeds!)
Thanks Dizzy
Will check them out hpoefully this weekend when I have some time and I'm feeling better.
Sharing your seeds - Packets

There are as many ways of storing seeds as there are people to collect them.
My favorite is to make these handmade packets - all it takes is a square of paper (any kind!) and a few folds. I like colored papers - usually 20# stock or better. You can make your own folded seed packs from almost any paper and in almost any size - the size of the packet will depend on the size of the square you start with - play with it & see what size works best for you - plant & seed catalogs are colorful & look cool. Just cut squares & fold away. Since the seeds are in the very middle & top has a complete fold over them, they are generally secure, but you can always secure with a small piece of tape if you wish.
Very tiny seeds I usually fold into a smaller strip of paper, then tuck inside this envelope. Then I stick a portion of a plain white label on the outside (over the last tuck/fold is a good spot) with - or just write on the packet the seed name & info.

You can right click on this image & save it to your hard drive. Then you can increase size as needed to make it legible for you to figure out the folds I spoke about above.


  • folded seed packet 2.jpg
    folded seed packet 2.jpg
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That is awesome Dizzy! I have been thinking all winter about planting some extra veggies this year for the homeless and les fortunate. God has given me so much, out of my bounty I wold love to give to those who dont have a place to garden and get fresh veggies.

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