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He/She doesn't look real especially in the first one
took these yesterday....
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Cool Pictures!
I would say she looks cold, but I would be projecting.
dosen't she look cold but she is still lookin pretty alert
cool pics
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What kind is she? Does anyone know?
It's a sharp shinned they are pretty much the only ones that come into the city
See one about every week or so...
I don't know that I've ever seen a sharp shinned hawk. Mostly what we see around here are Red-tailed hawks, although I did have a kestrel hanging around my yard one summer.
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We have a lot of the red-tails and kestrils here. But the ones I see right here in the yard are usually the sharp-shinned hawk. We have a lot of birds here and it's like a buffet for them. We see the red-tails cruising over the pasture a lot.
Hey rough legged, sharp shinned what do I know
Hey rough legged, sharp shinned what do I know
"gimpy pretty bird" works for me....
I don't really care what they are..just so long as they are interesting!!!
And Wolfie she is beautiful
Super Moderator
Staff member
Kya, I don't know that there isn't a rough-legged hawk. Might be worth googling.
OOHH Blue..what a purdy burdy!!!
OOHH Blue..what a purdy burdy!!!
Yeah, and there aren't any in my part of the country, darn it!
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Blue, if I can remember when I get back up to our bedroom, I have a couple of bird books up there and I will check the maps and see what hawks do frequent your area. I had a surprise one time when I was at the bird shop and was asking about a bird whose body shape reminded me of a nuthatch. The lady behind the counter opened their book and aske me it it looked like the one she pointed to. It did. It was a white-breasted nuthatch. I didn't even know there was such a thing before that time. Cute little beggars.
Randy,, I got tons of them here along with dark eyed juncos and Carolina wrens
They are such funny little birds I love to watch them play around out there
and you're right..they are derned cute!!!
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Staff member
They are cute. I love to watch them. The nuthatches are equally at home walking down the side of a tree as they are walking up the side. What first attracted the white-breasted nuthatch was a suet feeder that was sent to me by one of the friends on GardenGuides. Her husband had made it for me out of a limb a bit over two inches in diameter. He had drilled holes in that limb about 1-1/4" in diameter and 3/4" deep. I drilled more holes in it after I saw how fast the birds would deplete the suet I stuffed in those cavities. I mixed that wild bird seed from the stores with lard and corn meal to a heavy paste. The birds love it and it is especially good for them to have that kind of food source in cold weather. I have to refill that thing every day. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to