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I found this one just yesterday
"So many weeds so little thyme"

Super Moderator
Staff member
I love this one Dawn, " God made rainy days so gardeners can get their housework done."
I also like
"Free weeds, You pick"
Super Moderator
Staff member
I like, "A beautiful garden is a work of HEART."
I like that one too.
Moms fave
Plant 4 seeds in each hill
1 for the frost
1 for the crows
1 for the worms
and 1 that grows.
This is one of my favorites
The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.
~Dorothy Frances Gurney,
Super Moderator
Staff member
All of those are good, but I have seen that last one before and I really do like that one.
Old gardener's never die, they just spade away.
Old gardener's never die, they just throw in the trowel.
Throw in the trowel, now that is funny
Gardening requires lots of water - most of it in the form of perspiration.
You can bury a lot of troubles digging in the dirt.

Super Moderator
Staff member
You gals are pretty sharp. I can't think up a single one.
I plant the seed,
You make it grow.
You send the rain,
I work the hoe.
Super Moderator
Staff member
That's about how it works too, Kya.
I love all of these. Keep them coming!
Can you guess my favorite?
Super Moderator
Staff member
I have to have my ground thyme ( time)
Tim always tells people that I spend so much time in the garden that he has to put collars around my ankles to keep the cut worms from getting me.
I guess you all know mine too.
We do know both of your favs.
I really like both of those too.
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