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Looking really good Lyn! I also love the grass under my feet!
Jill, I keep thinking about not being able to kneel, and boy that's got to be really hard to get use to. Tim has the same issu but hasn't had any replacements yet.
I agree regarding kneeling, bending etc. I dread the day that I'm unable to look after my little patch properly as it's such a large part of my life. I suppose though you make compromises as time goes on and adjust your efforts accordingly.
I will gladly give up kneeling to have sooooooooooo much less pain. It isn't so bad, just takes getting used to.
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Same here John!
I use an old mat that I put down on the ground to kneel on so I don't have to squat. It is the up and down that can cause problems for me!
I should get one of those foam knee pads designed for gardening!
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I agree regarding kneeling, bending etc. I dread the day that I'm unable to look after my little patch properly as it's such a large part of my life. I suppose though you make compromises as time goes on and adjust your efforts accordingly.
I keep thinking the same thing. What will I do if I can't tend my gardens? I would like to think I will have raised beds.At this point Tim can't even build me raised beds. The thought of not being able to do what I have always done is a little scary and a lot sad.
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I will gladly give up kneeling to have sooooooooooo much less pain. It isn't so bad, just takes getting used to.
I can see what you mean. Tim is in such severe pain now that anything is better. He can't kneel anyway so it makes sense to be pain free and not kneel, than to not kneel and be in pain.
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I keep thinking the same thing. What will I do if I can't tend my gardens? I would like to think I will have raised beds.At this point Tim can't even build me raised beds. The thought of not being able to do what I have always done is a little scary and a lot sad.
Yes, it really is scary for me too!
Oh definitely raised beds here for'll be a sad day here for me too if I'm unable to continue, but who knows what the future holds? I can only look after my health to the best of my ability and hope it's enough.
I can see what you mean. Tim is in such severe pain now that anything is better. He can't kneel anyway so it makes sense to be pain free and not kneel, than to not kneel and be in pain.
I am still amazed every day and am so thankful that I can garden at all this year. We have raised beds, but they are only 8 inches off the ground, so not much help, but we needed topsoil in our yard and wanted gardening space that was easy to take care of, so they work for now.
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Ron & John
I try not to think too much about it. But I have already bet and odds prediciton by a Dr. 30 years ago. I think about it most, the morning after a hard days work in the gardens. I have learned I can't do what I once did , and I try not to expect too much from myslef. I find I am relying more on my son to come by and move my heavy stone pots, carry things up or down the stairs for me(us, Tim can't caryy anything anymore). I watch my much older neighbor and just this year he is slowing down. I admide those who work while they can.
I am so happy for your success with your replacement. I bet you will be skipping in no time

Oh yes I've noticed that some tasks now take a whole day rather than a few hours. I now just pace myself...but I'm always getting told to slow down by my much better half. Occasionally I listen!

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He, he, he It is only AFTER I have done the damage that I want to listne....but I am learning
Oh yes been down that road a few times lol. I usually feel better after I finally sit down and see what I've achieved albeit a little more slowly than in the past. It pays to try and remain active as age catches up with you, it's the old adage use it or lose it. My Dad lived until he was 90 and made a point of going out into the garden every day even if it was just to sit and listen to the birds. He always had a veggie and flower garden, now I use his tools.

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I really need to pace myself, especially when its hot and muggy!
Love the heat and do not need to do warm ups to get the muscles working so I try to take advantage of the summer months to get heavier things done.
I usually need to take frequent rest periods, but that is alright and even try to take every other day off to recover!
I am still learning how to work around the fibro and chronic fatigue, and the summer months are more painfree then then the winter months. Celebrex helps a lot to get me through the cold times!
I find I'm in great physical condition from late April until late October!
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I always admire when I drive by a home and there is a little old person out raking or watering. I always think that no matter what I will find a way to get outside and enjoy my yard.
My neighbor told me his sister is in a nursing home and she convinced them to allow her to have a garden. While she is wheelchair bound, she has managed to grow a nice little garden using the able bodied individuals in the home. She directs and they do the work.
I find I get most of my heavy work done in Spring and Autumn. In Summer the heat and humidity are really oppressive and just changing your mind makes you break out in a sweat. Early mornings and late afternoons are the go in Summer here, I just love being out there, it's better for you than staring at the pc or tv.
I still can't believe we've been living in the same place since 1981, the years have flown! The funny part is I'm still doing basically the same things albeit much wiser now due to the excellent advice I've read here. I think now as the years have passed, I'm having to work smarter using my brain more than brawn and with the experience I've gleaned over the years I just know if something I'm considering doing will work or not before I start it.
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Can you imagine if we had applied those "wiser work" ways sooner. I am doing the samething. I just wish I had started sooner.
THis weather is making all those old injuries and joints hurt.
Oh yeah the "wiser working" never really entered my head years ago I just jumped in and did it regardless. Now I always consider the job before I proceed with it. I'm just glad I put in a fairly low maintenance garden years ago as it helps me a lot now as I know exactly what tasks I have to perform and when. My next job is scattering the ground mineral rock around the beds and re-potting the raspberries.
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My list is very long and getting longer with each day TS Debby is here. I had hoped to get a section of garden ready for fall planting. It is a little past time to plant pumpkins but I want to plant anyway. Fall corn always goes in the ground July 4th weekend.
Pumpkins and melons are the first things I plant in about September then comes corn. The beds take a bit of prepping as they're all heavy feeders. I just take my time and try not to over do it or I'll get yelled at by my much better half. Instead of doing 3 or 4 beds in one day I just do1 now as it's much better to be in the good books! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to