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Yup, It takes me a lot longer to get thing preped and planted. I could have the garden ready and planted in a week back in the day. Now I am lucky if it's ready in a month. I do little task all winter long just to try to be ready for the spring.
That's precisely what I'm doing at the moment, during my winter. I can't wait until I can spend more time out there but it's a bit cool right now and I can only spend a couple of hours rather than all day. I've got 43 plants in pots waiting to be put in the ground too as I'm expanding my little rainforest....that means less grass to mow so there's a really good incentive for me
There was a time when I would have glady given up every blade of grass for gardens, but now it is kind of peaceful to just ride around and mow. Funny how age changes your prospective But a rainforest garden sounds really nice. I might need to take up water gardening if we get another storm.
Lol on the riding around mowing...I still push my mower around, not that peaceful for me, only I love sitting in my little rainforest as it's a great attractant for birds, butterflies, lizards and possums. I recall when it was just a few plants about knee high now they all tower over me...time flies when you're having fun!
Yesterday was power wash the dead fishflies and spider egg cases off the house!
Spent almost the whole afternoon powerwashing the house and only got half done!
Had a huge mound of spiderwebs with spiders and fishflies all wrapped up after I was finished. I was going to gather it up and put it into the composter but the birds had another idea on what to do with it! I left it all for them to deal with it.
They had a feast and cleaned out all the spiders and whatnot leaving the webs and dead bugs. I'll need to sweep up whats left for the compost bin!
Now we can see out the sunroom windows again. I have to do this the end of June and the end of September.
Th fishflies were prolific this year with the early heat and there were a lot more of them then usual!
The spiders were very busy and it was time to clear them out as well as the hundreds of egg cases they produced. I timed it well, just before the eggs hatched!
I'll do the other half of the house tomorrow...I need a break!
Need to do some mowing...wish I had a riding one, but with all the slopes it just isn't practical!
Tim always thought I was crazy for saying that gardening or working in the yard was fun, but since he has been home with nothing to do, he has actually started to see that it can be very enjoyable . that only took 30 years! LOL.
Our swamp is similar to your rainforest. IT is such a diverse eco system. We have areas where we like to sit that offer great views of the shore birds. We like to just sit out there and watch or take pictures.
Busy boy there young Ron, sit yourself down with a cool drink! That'll be me in a few months unfortunately, but it's just one of those jobs that have to be done. When we first moved in I dropped hints (that were ignored lol) about getting a ride-on but now it's nearly all filled with trees and garden beds etc, what used to take 2 and a half hours now takes 45 mins!
Nancie it must be great, and also challenging on occasions to have all that wilderness and wildlife literally on your doorstep. Oh well at least Tim has gotten the message after all this time, persistence pays off.....eventually lol
I had to break up the lawn cutting since it took 4 hours to cut all the lawns...just couldn't do it anymore and would be in a lot of pain for two days, especially after cutting the slopes! Weedwacking doesn't take long but do not do it the same day!
Love July and August when the grass goes dorment with the heat and drought!
Oh I bet you love July and August, the only time the lawn slows down here is in June/July. In the summer here is when we get most of our rain plus heat and humidity that makes the stuff leap out of the ground. Hence the expansion of my little rain forest!
The lawns are slowly turning grey so it looks like I will be getting an early break from cutting the lawns. All that is left to cut is in mostly bright shade and I'll give that a quick cutting today!
Gotta get my zuc and squash seedings in the ground today so I wont have to worry about losing them from the extreme heat and humidity this week. It'll be easier to soak the veggie garden every other day to keep them growiing!
Not sure how I missed the post about all your cleaning and spiders I always hate when I am powerwashing and the little guys end up on me! You have been really busy. Wahing the house is something I need to finish so we can paint. Now it is just too hot for all that work.
I usually spend on entire day on the lawn and edging / weedeating. It is a back breaker for me. You would think having a son who is a landscaper and has several accounts in my neighborhood that I would not have to do that much . LOL! He will come by once in a while and do my weedeating. Which is really nice.
Powerwashing spiders is not my favorite chore!
I start at one end and blast everything towards the other end so the spiders don't have a chance to fall on my but get all wrapped up in the webs! If I miss any, I turn and blast least I destroyed all the egg cases before they hatched!!! Powerwashing really helps control the population of spiders, and the windows remain bug and web free for a couple of months!.....Still need to wash and squeegy the windows but that can wait untill after this heat wave ends.
I really need to get finished up. I might work tomorrow morning before it gets too hot. I have the entire north end of the house to wash and paint yet. By the time I finish it will be time to start over again. Tim can't climb the scaffold so it's all my baby.He can do ground work and low stuff.
The front faces west so the trim color is all faded and already needs to be redone. Maybe I should just paint everything camouflage.
I guess this is house gardening LOL! Always cleaning and preping for something.I am not sure this is good for my health though.
My house is brick but the eaves and the gutters are covered in webs made by my 8 legged buddies. Wasp nests are my biggest problem especially the paper wasps, very aggressive they are! Climbing on to the roof is definitely not good for my health although it does get the heart pumping and they say that's good for the circulation!
Wasps are wonderful spider collectors!
Whatever spider I missed the wasps take!
They sting them and pack them into the the tube nests they build. They need several spiders per tube, then lay an egg and seal the tube up. The egg hatches and feeds on the stunned spiders, pupate then emerge to go off spider hunting to continue the cycle!
We have Mud Dabbers, Paper Wasps, Yellow Jackets and Hornets that help keep the house cleaned of spiders during the summer months. They do a great job!
It is interesting to watch them hunt. There is a bit of a struggle until they jab the spider, then it goes limp, and off the wasp goes with its stunned package of protein!
There are also a few species that are small and dig in the garden to make tunnels and do the same thing as their larger cousins but collect small spiders!
We also have a very large wasp that is an orangy blown and twice the size of a hornet, and fatter. Don't see them very often!
We have mud dobbers and wasp as well as carpenter bees. The mud dobber nest I hate to knock down until winter as they are stuffed with spiders and dobber larva. It is it's own eco system and I can't imagine how many spiders I would have if it weren't for the dobbers.
I got stung by a carpenter bee a couple weeks ago. It was my fault, I leaned against a wooden deck rail and he was already there. He stung my leg through my pants and I reacted poorly by rubbing my leg so he then stung me between the fingers! Who could blame him I attacked him twice. I have never heard of anyone being stung by them before. It is a substantial sting I might add. The endorphins really went to work. I guess you could say that was the positive benefit of the unplanned research
I was planning on digging a row for my buffaloo currants but it is just too hot to do anything that physical.....opting to pot up another tray of cacti seedlings instead. I have 6 trays to do! I can do this on the deck under the gazebo.
I may not get to doing the currants until after we get through this summer and the expected high temps and humidity!
All my 'big plans' wont happen until the Fall!
I'll look after the small plans at a slower pace and get them out of the way!
I have a few chores I have also put off until the weather cools down. We have to watch how much we do in extreme heat. Before you know it you can be suffering from heat stroke and that is no fun. Good choice to work in the shade
Besides a money making crop is always a good choice
So true! Unfortunetly they wont be ready for sale until 2014!
Got 2 trays potted up into 4 cell packs. They look so small in their individual cells, by next year they should be a good size for repotting to 4inch pots!
I'll plant a a few of each species in the gardens next April once they start waking up and repot all the rest!
Planting time is tricky because they need a few months to settle and root into the soil before winter settles in, or they pop out of the soil due to the freeze thaw cycle. So planting time is any time from May to early August.
Starting price is $10 each [3 for $20](depending on species as some will be less) for 2 year olds $15 each for 3+ year olds!
I understand why garden centres do not grow nor sell them due to the time required to get them to a saleable size.
Been looking online on how much others are charging for their plants!
Still have 4 more trays to pot that's what I'll be doing tomorrow!
It's hotter (more humid) today then yesterday!
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