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I have a bunch and cut them off and left a few on, would like to now if it's ok to freeze them for later use. Also how do you use your garlic spears when you take them off, recipes would be great. I heard some where you can fry them??? thanks in advance, Karen
I'm not quite certain what you mean by "spears." Do you mean the individual cloves from the garlic bulb? And are you trying to freeze the remaining cloves on the bulb or the individual cloves you've pulled from the bulb?
I wouldn't try to freeze either. To preserve them indefinitely, I would peel and chop or process the individual cloves, pack them in some nice olive oil (or even the remaining oil/juice from that jar of olives in the fridge) and keep them in a tightly covered jar in the fridge. As long as you don't open them.... the garlic will keep for months. Once you do, you still don't need to hurry all that much. The heavy oive oil is a GREAT preservative.
the tops get a spear on them, or scapes some folks call them. You take them off ,it's where they would flower and seed.
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Staff member
They are great sauteed. Use them in stir fry. I have never frozen them I think they would do better dehydrated.
??? Are they supposed to be cut off, I never have
the tops get a spear on them, or scapes some folks call them. You take them off, it's where they would flower and seed.
Sorry sunflower.... obviously I haven't got a clue as to what they are. I hope I didn't offend.
Not a problem John, we learn by asking and finding out the answers, thats what this site is all about. So ask away, you will learn great things here. I like the idea of putting them in oil, might give it a try and see how they work out that way.
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you do have to be very careful in oil. They do produce a botulism in oil that is odorless and tasteless. They say not to keep them more than 2 week in oil even in the fridg. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to