Sure Sunflower3!
I was looking at my seed packet and it says Perennial!
I still have one that's growing but unable to bloom,not enough light,she is about 4feet tall and vining!*LOL Truly vining with all sorts of side shoots!
Doesn't look real petty or much like a Dahlia *lol but growing!
Also,I pulled out a baby that was in a very small pot no tuber! He(Bob the Dahlia friend) kept it in the small pot and didn't give it the needed sun,it never bloomed I took it back to babysit)
Nothing but a few roots*lol I think I'll pot up one of the tubers I have from seed started ones last year.
I'm in a big bind now not sure what I should be doing. I mean, I know the time table in which things would be done under normal circumstances,but I have not been living under those.
I have been wanting to see if I can grow cuttings from her just cut her down but haven't had time or motivation to research.I'm pretty sure I know how but, I want to be certain. Have you ever taken a cutting and rooted one?
Plant54 as you read above you can get tubers by fall from seed!
You can do a search here up top closer to the right hand side for dahlias and read what was written earlier about growing "Dahlia from seed".
Have you grown tubers? Are you a perennial grower? Are you experienced in growing from seed? What's your location?