a friendly and growing community of gardeners.
We feature a
Garden Discussion Forum and
Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.
I'm so happy this forum is up and running, I miss all my old GG friends. And I'm grateful to see the features I like re: new posts, today's posts and a font I can actually read without my glasses. I have missed you guys!

Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
Hey, Lady....I was just asking someone about you the other day...It Is Me Vegemm form the "other" place
Hi Angela !!! so glad to see you here ! This is going to be great. Sure did miss you
Super Moderator
Staff member
Hi LadyH
So glad I still had your email addy so I could let you know about it. Wished I had some other emails to let some others know about it. Spread the word to everyone.
Glad to see so many old friends here
Hello to everyone, good to hear from you!!!
Staff member
I'm so happy this forum is up and running, I miss all my old GG friends. And I'm grateful to see the features I like re: new posts, today's posts and a font I can actually read without my glasses. I have missed you guys!
Thanks, and welcome aboard. I agree with you on the new posts and today's posts features. That was the one feature I simply could not believe they didn't have on the new GG forum.
I helped them with the transition a little bit, and I tried to tell them just how important that feature was. Apparently the software wasn't compatible with it, and it would have been too difficult to add in. I honestly think they lost far more people than they realize because of that.
That's one reason I'm so adamant about listening to the members. I want this place to be easy to use and to work the way the members think it should work. If you ask for a feature and I can add it, I will.
I always tell folks "Annoy your customers enough and they will go away". I try to make things as pleasent as I can.
Thanks Bob, for taking such good care of us!

It's so great to be here and see some names I haven't seen in I don't know how long. Some I was quite familiar with and others I just remember seeing here and there ... all the same, it feels like coming home.
Super Moderator
Staff member
So glad you made it over, wasn't sure if you would have time to before leaving on your little trip.
Welcome, it sure does feel like home coming. Now to get the rest of the bluegrass gang here
Hi Lady, so good to see you...........I think about you sometimes and wonder how you are doing and how you made out with IKE.......I still have a post card you sent to me many many yrs ago.......
have a super thanksgiving!!!

It's nice to meet up yet again.
Bob, it was more than just the features there that made people leave. It was the total atmosphere.

I feel a sense of family here already.

Super Moderator
Staff member
Sahsweezy said it best. We were family for a long time and just like family we are coming back together! Happy Thanksgiving to my extended (online) family
Welcome and great to see you and everyone else!!!!
Swindy!! Hows Brooklyn doing??
Any reason to visit? You are in NJ???
But why?

Hello from another old GG guy.
Sahsweezy said it best. We were family for a long time and just like family we are coming back together! Happy Thanksgiving to my extended (online) family
Hear! Hear! I'll raise my glass to that!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING ... and we have yet one more thing to be thankful for Bob! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to