hello from Indiana

GardenForums.com a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
Hello I'm new to this site ,but I sure recognize a lot of names here ! where do you look for the seed swaps ,and where do i post my list .
Oh my stars girl you made it.
WELCOME WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are gonna love it here
Welcome to GF!
So you love to gather seed..
Do you wintersow and sow veggies?

Hello and Welcome to the place gardenbarbie...
Go to the home page and scroll down to Tips and Techniques ...you will see a section that say's
"Seed and Bulb Exchange " and also "Plant Exchange"...there you can see what is offered and post what you have to trade or if you are offering for SASE
Jump on it and enjoy.
always good to see a new face here. everyone is friendly and full of advice. join in and have a good time here.
Hi Gardenbarbie,
Glad to have you here. You can to the right place for seeds and garden friends. Look forward to seeing you around.
Enjoy yourself here! ( I'm recently a newbie as well and I can say this is one cool site with some pretty cool people around to boot! Hope you will feel the same soon,if not already ) :p
Welcome aboard!
Hey GardenBarbie
I know how busy you are...glad you made it to GF!
You will recognize many names here.

Look forward to "swapping" w/you again =)
Hi and welcome from the Palmetto state, ie South Carolina. Good to see y'all joined!!! Hehehehe
Hello and welcome GardenBarbie. This is a great site and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.
Hi Gardenbarbie I love your name:)Glad to have a new friend.Look around we have alot of good friendly and helpful friends here.:)

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