Hello from oregon

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New Member
Hi everyone
I'm oremudpie aka melanie, i live in salem oregon with my husband and 2 cocker spaniel, i have a small yard but an active volunteer gardener in a nearby public garden...love the site for..
Welcome Melanie
Are you a friend of Debe's too? She is a wonderful person. I got to meet her in person last summer when I went out to Oregon to a gardening get together. We spent a couple of days together. Had an awesome time when I was out there. Would love to come back and visit again. Hoping to get my other gardening bud from Oregon to join this site.
Do you just do flowers or do you do veggies too?
Welcome from the east coast and hope to see you around.
Hello and yes I'm a friend of Debe's and see her from time to time..I have a small yard so mostly roses and perinnals, but I volunteer at oregon gardens and spend my tuesday in 8 acres of demo veg garden which is so much fun..This year we sent 4,000 pounds to a local food share..Its mostly organic gardening and such a learning process too..I plant a couple of cherry tomato plants in pots and thats all the vegies here at home..My cockers love their fresh tomato's..
I think site is going to be fun once it really gets going..I also know armymom from the other gardening club.
Have grand day everyone
Hello dear and welcome...hope you will be willing to share all your gardening knowlege...Melanie just finished up the Master Garders course here in the Northwest....so pick her brain people...:) I will have to get use to your new name as well as you mine...Let me know when Susan is coming and I will try to come on down out of no where land...LOL ;)
Welcome Melanie
Are you a friend of Debe's too? She is a wonderful person. I got to meet her in person last summer when I went out to Oregon to a gardening get together. We spent a couple of days together. Had an awesome time when I was out there. Would love to come back and visit again. Hoping to get my other gardening bud from Oregon to join this site.
Do you just do flowers or do you do veggies too?
Welcome from the east coast and hope to see you around.

there you go making my ears burn once again...and you should see my head now...BIG AS BIG can be...:rolleyes:
Welcome oremudpie............lots of great people here. I also know Debe......:)
I'm sure you will enjoy yourself here.............
Hi - and a big welcome from the east coast of Canada! My - you will be a wealth of knowledge when the gardening season begins and the questions start!!!!
oremudepie I saw your name and had to go to the kitchen and get some oreo cookies and milk --- I really hope this doesn't happen every time you post lol
Welcome to gf sounds like you are going to be a goto with all our questions. Congrats on your Master Gardeners degree. that is so great, putting in gardens for the food banks
Good morning
Wheres the coffee this already feels like home...
Thanks everyone for the welcomes...
Debe looks like we have winter here!!!Our company from Tucson are freezing they forgot how chilly the northwest can be in November.
Have a happy day everyone
Hey Mel....no Oregon Garden today?...Glad the company made it safly. We were at 29 at one point up here...BRRRRRRRRR..

Hey there, I came from Oregon, lived there for 20 some years lol! It's been awhile since I've been to the Oregon Garden. I'll bet it's starting to fill out now. My fav in the Oak tree grove.

Dora/Garden Goddess

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