a friendly and growing community of gardeners.
We feature a
Garden Discussion Forum and
Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.
Hi all just wanted to say hello, 2nd year gardener and still learning, this year I have planted silver corn, okra, squash, cabbage, watermelon, cantelope, half runners, and 30 tomato plants( yes my dad is helping me with the tomatoes lol) anyways have a lot to learn and hope to meet some nice folks here who can lead me in the right direction on some things I may have questions about. Im 35 , a Christian, have a wonderful wife and 2 beautiful girls aged 6 and 1 years old. Aside from learning gardening I love archery pistol and rifle shooting and running. God Bless.
Super Moderator
Staff member
Hi and welcome from South Carolina. You have come to the right group, there are a lot of us that garden. I am fortunate to have married a man that grew up on the farm so he is my source of knowledge. Good luck on your garden. Ask any questions, hopefully someone here can help with an answer to your problem.
Hello, welcome! I have gardened with my dad for years but this is the first on my own. Small garden but thats all we need right now. This is a great site! Just jump in! Kim
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Glad to have you with us S&P's dad. I grow a lot of the same veggies you are growing plus a few others. I gotta have my cucs, peppers and butterbeans!
I know you'll enjoy the forums, the members are great people that love gardening and friendships made by gardening. You'll fit right in so make yourself and home and if you need any help just holler.
Super Moderator
Staff member
Glad to see you here, my dad was never a gardener, my grandparents were and my mom was. Jump right in and make yourself at home. Lots of knowledgeable ppl here so ask away.
Hi there DAD Proud Poppa it sounds like. Does the oldest daughter love to help in the garden?
Welcome welcome I am so glad you are here. You will really feel at home here cuz everyone is so Friendly so ENJOY.
Super Moderator
Staff member
My dad was a gardener. I used to get a little irritated at him because he would plant his garden and that would limit his freedom to break away from home during the summer months. But now, I understand why. I do the same thing and don't like for too many things to intergere with my garden time. It is Memorial Day weekend and I am almost caught up on my planting.
Welcome to a great place with lots of great people to help out when your in need of it
Welcome from the PNW. I have a picture of myself in the garden with my Dad taken before I could walk. He'd sit me on the ground next to him while he worked. Of course I don't remember THAT but some of my foundest memories are of Dad and I in the garden. I was in kindergarten when he let me have my own bed. I can't remmeber what I grew except for one strawberry plant that had the best tasting fruit I ever ate. I hope your little ones are enjoying gardening with you.
Make yourself at home. Lots of wonderful people here, you'll fit right in.
Super Moderator
Staff member
Welcome Dad! Glad to have you here. This is a great place to get first class garden info. Everything from chemicals to organics you can find it here or at least someone to help you find the answer. So jump on in have a great time and keep us updtaed on your garden.
Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
Hello and welcome to the place....look forward to getting to see you around ...Jump on in and gets your roots dirty

Hi and welcome to the group from the catskills in upstate grandfather and mom were big gardeners........I took up gardening a little late in life, but I havent regretted a day.....
Super Moderator
Staff member
Hi there we always love to get new gardeners here. If one person can't help then another can. We also talk about children and grandchildren here. Good to have you.
Hellow and welcome to a great place. We love children and grandchildren here. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to