
GardenForums.com a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
Hi Everybody! *waves*

I'm Pammie from Indiana. I'm so happy to find this place! I'm in the process of moving right now, so I won't be able to do much gardening this year, aside from digging up plants and relocating them, so I'm doubly glad to have found this place to get my gardening "fix." :)
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Welcome Pammie
Glad you found us, we're a great friendly bunch of gardeners
Jump right in and make yourself at home.
Are you moving to another state or within Indiana?
Good luck with the move and you can put your plants and pots and move them or if you can replant right away, dig them up anD replant them in the yard then figure out later where you want to put them if you don't have time this yr
Hello from Alabama Pammie welcome to GF glad you found us.There's alway's something going on here.Come on in and join the fun.:)
Hello Hello Pammie
Welcome to our little corner of the gardening world we are so glad to have you jion us.
Jump in and ENJOY!!!!
Are you moving to another state or within Indiana?
Good luck with the move and you can put your plants and pots and move them or if you can replant right away, dig them up anD replant them in the yard then figure out later where you want to put them if you don't have time this yr

I'm just moving across town, actually. So hopefully I'll be able to take most of my favorite plants with me. :) But I hadn't really thought about digging them up and putting them in pots. That's an excellent idea! Especially since it hasn't gotten really hot yet. And if I do that, then they'll be good to go when I actually start moving. Thanks for the great idea!!
Hello Pammie, Welcome to GF, you will find lots of great gardener here and super people when you have time to sit back and relax and read some of the threads you will enjoy it here
Welcome from the PNW. Glad you found us.
When we sold our home our realtor told me once you sign those papers you aren't allowed to dig up any plants as they are part of the sale of the property. He didn’t tell me until just days before we were ready to sign so it was a mad dash to find pots and dig up plants. I didn’t have enough time to take everything I wanted to. I hope you will.

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