Help please what worm? a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.




Oh MY! I went to gather soil about 4' down in my bed (soil test) (I had collards overwintering but was going to pull and start new anyway),I went to get the soil laid it in the cover and saw worms!!!!!!!!!!!! Worms galore!
Help! there are 2kinds; the wigglie ones "and" the non moving ones (WAY MORE OF THESE!) I can feed my toads if they are not good .
I have to get back out there and get these out???! Well I am getting them out if they are good I can put them back in *LOL

I have way more pics if needed.
AND....Getting more*LOL

That is a nickle.
one looks nearly clear (wiggler) the others I saw better after I viewed the pics.




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That wigglie one looks like a younger one of the white one posted earlier date!!!!!!!
Acts like it too!!!!!!!!!!!
I will go bye

Kale it's definitely a larvae of some kind. It looks a little like sawfly larvae but I'm only guessing. Maybe take them to someone a little more knowledgeable to help ID your new ''babies''?
Wombat, exactly what I was thinking once I viewed the marco shots!
I didnt have them in my roses which arent too far from where I found them but...I did however find these on my roses in front which after thinking about it, are quite a bit smaller.
Maybe an onion maggot due t the fact that onion has been there for years.It was about 2feet away from that.
And yes I know I should register at the bug site I just fear I will never get out of there once I start posting my inquiries*LOL:eek::eek: I have a list for them *LOL
Here is the rose pest... but that would not explain the inflorescent ones they were not of the same family but hanging real close.I did fine lots of earth worms:D which I gently put back;) Sawfly had black spots...:confused:correct...a bit smaller..



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Wombat, exactly what I was thinking once I viewed the marco shots!
I didnt have them in my roses which arent too far from where I found them but...I did however find these on my roses in front which after thinking about it, are quite a bit smaller.
Maybe an onion maggot due t the fact that onion has been there for years.It was about 2feet away from that.
And yes I know I should register at the bug site I just fear I will never get out of there once I start posting my inquiries*LOL:eek::eek: I have a list for them *LOL
Here is the rose pest... but that would not explain the inflorescent ones they were not of the same family but hanging real close.I did fine lots of earth worms:D which I gently put back;) Sawfly had black spots...:confused:correct...a bit smaller..


Definitly a type of beetle larvae! They look familar and remember seeing something similar devour the foliage on elms and cherry trees! Might be a good idea to spray, or dust the get them under control!
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I don't spray or dust and I don't have any elms or cherries in my area.
The larvae on the rose leaves was last year; trimming away and garlic spray keeps them away.I never had to use the spray.they are flies Ron not beetles,and they are nto the ones I was wondering about the ones I was inquiring about are the ones in the 1st post.
I just posted them to show the difference between the "New Found " ones and the sawfly, that I though of at first.
Thanks for the scoop on Cherry trees though.I have been wanting one ...but not willing to give it the amount of space it needs.

Scroll down (3rd pic) you will see them better then my pic I found in my folder.

I bet they are some kind of moth to be!

They were found in different locations (someplace else a mile or so away).
They do not veggie garden only lawn..until now of course*LOL OI wish I knew what they ate*LOL they are in soil! Maybe just give them some compost if I see them again...
My friend fed them to the birds*lol

Looks to me like those bugs that have a bunch of legs and reddish brown in color. I don't know what they are called but we have them around here everywhere. They like damp and dark. From what I can tell they don't really bother anything. I can turn over a rock and find them. Maybe if it stops raining I can get a picture of the bug.
myfedora, those are not the interest.
Those are rose pest,they are just spoke about to show what they look like.
Millipede or

I see these worms in several locations off away from my house.

I just tread something but was focused on someone else..
I will see you soon...

Save your garden from aphids pest.
Aphids feed on almost every kind of plant, sucking out fluids and munching on leaves and stems. They are very small, yet travel in large groups. Aphids come in many colors, including red, green, black, brown, and yellow, depending on their species and plant diet. They may or may not have wings, which enables them to travel to other plants if their food source is depleted.The best way to eliminate this pest without use of pesticide is by natural enemy. Lady beetles, syrphid flies, and lacewings each feed off aphids. Another common garden pest is the spider mite.
Save your garden from aphids pest.
Aphids feed on almost every kind of plant, sucking out fluids and munching on leaves and stems. They are very small, yet travel in large groups. Aphids come in many colors,

Ha! When I read this I had a sudden vision of little aphid gangs, each wearing a bandanna with their colors, squeezing the flowers for protection money, using little aphid graffiti to mark their turf. Then the ladybugs with their nightsticks sweep in and clean up the neighborhood.
Worms live in chem ferted potting mixes just fine as long as there is enough moisture and OM to eat. They will also die if the temps in the pot go above or below their range which varies by type of worm. The chem fert doesn't affect them and the moisture crystals don't either. Worms may not have very much in the way of brains, but they are smart enough to eat what is good for them (bacteria on rotting OM) and ignore the rest.
Blueaussi, You are too funny HA!
Missed you ..How is everyone getting along with their Bugs, Insects etc.. !??
I have them and they all serve a purpose..
Aphids are welcomed here any color size, age, male and females, winged and not winged*LOL

They are the food source for many beneficials and birds!

Welcome Wallance...:)

I release ladybugs for the aphids...that way they stay under control but also have some for those that want a snack,,,:)
Is that for a greenhouse or out doors Flowers4Yeshua?
Missed you..
I don't have to buy them for outdoors,they find my house*LOL
If you grow aphid attractors (plants) that will help, use the plant as bait.

Going through several tests...

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