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Super Moderator & vegemm
Staff member
Thought I would share my handy dandy little helpper ...Usually When I freeze corn I would bag up whole ears in the husk ...but have limited room this I have been cutting off the cob to freeze I cam eup with this little thing to help me...a block of wood with a nail in the middle...pop the ear on it in a bowl and cut the corn off...

I would be happy to make one for you and send it along for the small amount of $24. 99....LOL...:)...kidding there you know...


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OMGosh girl I was just telling my hubby to make me one because 30 years ago we used them all the time when doing corn to freeze
Deb, I was out in the corn field today. A new friend from church has a 1500 acre farm just below Dayton. I spent about a half a day with him down there. They were harvesting one of the fields.
Kya LOL...this is also how my granny had us do it...just the best little helpper..

Oh Randy what fun it must have been...I made up a double batch of my corn salad for some drop by frinds last night...popped some salmon on the BBQ and YUMMY
OH I wanted to add also that we no longer have chickens to toss the cobbs (than makes me laugh) to and then into compost pile...I took out my heavy duty juicer and ran the cobs through and then tossed all into the compost they take to long to break down on their own..just a little tip
I'll be going over the garden this year with that brush hog and then will till evrything under. I don't really care if the cobs take awhile to break down though. The beans will be planted next year where the corn is this year and the beans will fix nitrogen into the soil and help break down the stalks and cobs. Hopefully though, we will harvest and use most of the corn anyway
I should have used this instead of the quick reply. This was where I was yesterday.


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If anyone burns wood------and has the patience----dry your corn cobs and use them for fire starters. I left some outside to dry in the sun last year--pretty good "tinder". is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
