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Hi, I love green beans, but ones that I preserved just didn't turn out right. I parboil and freeze, but they turned out rubbery when I served them in the winter. Tried different parboiling times, but there didn't seem to be any difference. I didn't try to can them, as I don't like store-bought canned green beans, too mushy. Maybe homemade canned beans have a little more crunch? I love canning, so if I can get it right, I will put up enough to get my husband and I through the next winter (God willing!). I appreciate whatever advice you can give me. Thank you!
I have never frozen green beans cuz I think frozen ones from the store tend to be rubbery.
I do on the other hand LOVE the corn that we froze last fall
If you can them yourself they are going to have pretty much the same texture as store bought canned beans.
I love green beans but mine did not produce well last season to do anything with...I do not can but someone will be along to help you 
I do love dilly beans though
I have never frozen green beans cuz I think frozen ones from the store tend to be rubbery.
I do on the other hand LOVE the corn that we froze last fall
If you can them yourself they are going to have pretty much the same texture as store bought canned beans.
My frozen corn was GREAT also Kya! What do you grow? We grew Peaches & Cream and tried a small row Serendipity..both bi-color..yum-o 
I really hate to admit this but DH planted the corn so I am not sure what he planted.
I know we had peaches n cream, an all white and an all yellow. They had different harvest dates so we could get more corn longer.
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I can green beans, but like Kya says, they come out of the jar about the same as canned ones from the market. I wouldn't call them mushy, but they certainly aren't crisp either. I don't like the frozen ones though. I think I did 34 quarts of the green beans last summer.
Do you all hot pack your green beans when canning them???? or do you do cold pack??
When it comes to beans I ALWAYS pressure cook them
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I do a cold pack and then do them in the pressure canner.
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I do a cold pack and then do them in the pressure canner.
I do mine the same way Randy. I wonder if you did a light brine soak before processing how it would affect them. I'm not talking like days but maybe a few hours just to toughen them up? What do you think?? Is it worth trying a batch to see how they hold up?
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I do put a teaspoon of salt in the jar (quart) with the beans and pour boiling water over them before I put the lids on, but that's as close to brining as I come. My beans don't come out mushy, but neither are they crisp.
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I tried blanching and freezing green beans but didn't care for the out come. They were mushier than I cared for so jarred is definitely better in my opinion. I add the teaspoon of salt to a jar too Randy. I don't know how to preserve crispy string beans..sorry I can't help with that.
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I add salt too, but was wondering if they had a brine soak , kind of like cukes , if they would crisp up a bit. I might try that I'll let you know how it works.
Super Moderator & vegemm
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I freeze mine...but I don't blanch them...I wash them well and dry them ...then bag up and freeze them ...have done it this way for years and have not had any troubles ...we usually use them up with in 8 to 9 months and always good
Thank you all for your help. Provided I have a good harvest, I try to freeze some without parboil, and will can others. Thank you very much!
Regards, Kimberly
I freeze mine,I never wash the first, I just pick them clean off any dirt and just freeze, the never last long in the freezer because between me and the birds the go fast is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to