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New Member

I just thought i'd stop in and introduce myself.

I just started gardening for the first time, and have Roma tomatoes, cayenne peppers, brussels sprouts, and some herbs growing away, and so far it's very exciting. I've only got sprouts so far (started seeds about a week ago) and plan to move them outside in mid-late may, as apparently that's our last frost here.

I can't wait to get some good fresh veggies from my own garden though. Exciting!

I'm sure that i'll be shooting questions all over the place, and from the looks of it, it looks like that's very welcomed here. Thanks in advance for all your help!

Welcome, Mr. Ian. Yes, we do welcome questions and we also offer some questions of our own. I don't have any cayenne peppers started, but I have about 100 other pepper plants going. I will use some and give most of them away. But I like growing them. I also have some friends that son't have the room for a large garden and they do like salsa. I gave them a 5-gallon bucket full of both hot and sweet peppers.
Ian congrats on your very 1st garden. We are here tto help answer all your questions.
Welcome to our family read, learn, ask, whatever Just be sure that you enjoy yourself and keep us posted on everything your garden does.
Welcome aboard, sounds like you got some pretty cool things growing to put out in your garden. ( nothing beats "home grown" )
Enjoy your visits with the crew here,be sure to jump in and get your hands dirty now!! :p
Hi Ian,
Welcome. Glad you stopped by. Was wondering what zone or what part of the world you are in. Planting season is in full swing here in Florida and I have a bad case of spring fever!
Look forward to getting to know you!

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