Hi from Belgrave ,Ontario

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New Member
Hi everyone i am John from Belgrave Ontario , formerly of Cranbrook .
I am a 44 year old retired carpenter due to a injury about 8 years ago .Now i spend most of my time either building something or planting something . :D
I just love to be outside .
I recognize a few people here already . I just want to say hi and it is a pleasure to be here .
I just added a few pictures of my work in my gallery .
Hi John, I am formerly from Goderich, so we were neighbours not too long ago. Welcome to the forums.
Hi John welcome to GF you do nice work everything you have made is beautiful.
You have a pretty little blonde blue eyed helper there.She's a cutie.And I love your Great Dane.
Hi John
Glad to see you here, you will see lots of old friends on here.
hope to see you around and will enjoy your pics of all your birdhouses, etc that you make
Dizzy posted a link to your work a few weeks ago. Awesome work.
Olivia is adorable
Welcome to the site we are glad to have you here
Hi John, Welcome to GF, I really enjoy seeing your birdhouses, wish I had a yard big enough for just one,but until I'll just dream about it :)
Hi John,
Welcome, Glad you are here. Great combination gardening and building. Both things that beutify life;)
Hi John from South Carolina. So glad you joined our group. Your photos are gorgeous, you are definitely a master at carpentry. It would be great if you posted some of those photos in our photo forum.
Welcome John, I saw your gallery, all I can say is WOW! My hubby would be love to be your neighbor, he loves woodworking too as he is a carpenter and disabled now after a severe back problem.
You have done some beautiful work and "extreme" is putting it mildly with all the detail and dramatic artistic talent you have.
The grandaughter is a charm, I don't think I've ever seen such beautiful big blue eyes. She's definitely a keeper!:) Thanks for sharing your gallery and hope you enjoy the forums.
Thank you Gloria for the nice comments . I have a chronic pain disorder and fibromyalgia so i know all about pain too . I get it mostly in my upper body including lower back . The damp weather doesn,t help either . :D
Hey John ~~~WELCOME~~~great to see ya again an always luv seeing your handiwork. You moved from that beautiful place you built by the water....
Did you run out of room for the bird houses?... They are superb.
I watched the show on Animal Planet. Honestly they really could have skipped the pink pooch and given you a little bit more time but I loved seeing your work and you. I taped it so I could share it with my husband. I got a chuckle when he said HOLY COW that guy is really good. I said I’ll tell him you said so then had to explain how I knew you.
Thank you Peggy and Bernie for the warm welcome .

Peggy , I had to move because the owner wanted to tear everything down .I ended up buying a 1/2 acre place with a 1,300 sq ft shop so everything turned out great. I still have room for birdhouses .:D

Thanks again Bernie , Animal Planet just released the video online now so everyone can see it . :)
http://animal.discovery.com/videos/most-outrageous-pet-digs/ (Bird Mansions )

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