
GardenForums.com a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
Wow! Glad I found this place!
I grow all sorts of Plants.My very favorite is Hibiscus but I enjoy vines and many other shrubs like lilac and a few roses that I lost, can't seem to keep them alive for more then one season,except for the one that was here when I bought my house many years ago. I can't wait to view all these informative threads maybe learn something and share what I know about the plants I grow.

Hello and Welcome to you Steffy....SO nice to have you jump on in here...there is a great bunch of gardeners here with good information and nice conversation...Look forward to getting to know oyu...I am in Oregon..
by the way love your sig...:)
Thank-you for the welcome!
I'm just clicking around and learned so much already!
Hi SandiB, we are neighbors!
OH did I mention...I am working on a sign for my gardens :)

We Are Not Dead!
We Are Resting
You Shall See Us Soon
In Full Bloom!
Hi Steffy sound's like you will fit right in nicely.I love rose's and hibiscus too.Really if it bloom's I love it.Glad to meet a new gardening friend.:)
Welcome Steffy.
Glad you found us. Jump right in and make yourself at home. I love hibiscus.I have a huge white dinner plate one but the darn deer ate it to the ground last summer. First time in 10 yrs that they have touched it. They did a number on my yard last summer. Praying it comes back this yr. My other 2 that I bought the same time are so small compared to this one.Will see if I can find a pic of it. It has had over 100 blooms on it. I hardly ever can get seeds from it as the frost gets to them first. Deer love roses too so gave up on them. I do love them but can't fend off the deer enough to have them.
Hope to see you around and get to know you. What zone are you in?
Love your sign.
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Spider Lily, I was clicking in the rose spot for a while ..Lots of great information there!
Do you grow dinner plates? I bet your blooms last longer then mine!

I grow the Red Dinner plates! No deer here.
Zone? I'm told 5 but do not know.
Did you try feeding them away from your plants? I do that with squirrels come time to steal my sunflower heads.
I am in zone 5 too. I want to get a red one. i've grown the yellows ones that a friend sent me some seeds but they are only annuals here and the blooms are not as big but love them.Never was able to get any seeds as the frost gets them first. got to see if i can find a yellow one that will live in zone 5
I'm in zone 5 also
Steffy welcome to the family. Sure am glad ya stopped by. ENJOY!!!!!!!!
I have never seen a yellow one.
In grew in Maine? Where did you get them?
Did you start from seed or bought a plant?

Quick side question;
Can I get an email when someone posts a reply without going to thread tools?

I started them from seeds and think I'm out of the seeds now. Will have to look. Will try to find a pic of the yellow one. I know I took some. A friend sent me the seeds. Not sure where they got them from. Maybe the yellow ones live in the warmer climates. Will have to search and see what I can find about them.
You have to go to thread tools and subscribe to the thread and you'll get emails.
You can also go to new posts and it will show any new threads that have new posts in them.
Hello Steffy and welcome. I an in zone 9, the great state of Texas. I grow Hibiscus but not Dinner Plate yet. I have red, yellow and orange. This year I am startinged some dark and light pink ones from seed and white.
I must have missed this thread but better late than never ....hi Steffy and glad to have you with us.
Welcome to our "home" Steffy!!

I too am a neighbor down here in Indiana

There are lots and lots and lots of wonderful knowledgable folks here :D
Thank you for a nice welcome everyone.
Still clicking around learning much!
Very nice place.:) Don't worry I will jump in with many questions.Mostly about the most challenging of all Roses. I have to check and see if my pics were saved from when I had my computer repaired. Can't wait been very busy with life. Fun to relax here!

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