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My brother got a large rash from the large weed.His neighbor has it growing along his fence so every time my brother cuts his lawn he gets a rash from it.He was going to call someone to go to the neighbors and have it dug up. I never seen this weed in Ontario. I guess it is quite dangerous.Have you's heard of it?:confused:
I've never heard of it, so I googled hogweed. I would agree, it seems to be a very dangerous plant. What I found was that it's a federally listed noxious weed. Its sap can cause severe skin and eye irritation, painful blistering, permanent scarring and blindness. Your brother is risking a lot to get anywhere close to it. I wonder why anyone would want it planted on their property.
Hogweed is an invasive weed!
Gardeners fall in love with it because of its foliage and huge umbrelles of flowers!
Problem is that it is highly alergenic and will cause rashes and other complications such as blindness!
It is a prolific seed producer and is spreading quickly pushing out native species!
And, yes Rosy, it is in Ontario!
There is a call out to eradicate any and all plants. Burning is not recommended!
We all thought Purple Loosestrife was bad, now it's Hogweed!!
Here's a few good articles on this new blight:
I've never heard of it, so I googled hogweed. I would agree, it seems to be a very dangerous plant. What I found was that it's a federally listed noxious weed. Its sap can cause severe skin and eye irritation, painful blistering, permanent scarring and blindness. Your brother is risking a lot to get anywhere close to it. I wonder why anyone would want it planted on their property.
I don't know but the people that have it are Chinese I am not knocking them or nothing like that but they haven't cut thier grass all summer.My brother went to the people that take care of things like .He is ntired of getting a rash every time he cuts his grass And you said it isn't nice my brother cerainly don't need to go blind.I haven't talk to him yet this week as he works alot I am going to ask him if they got rid of it.:confused:
Hogweed is an invasive weed!
Gardeners fall in love with it because of its foliage and huge umbrelles of flowers!
Problem is that it is highly alergenic and will cause rashes and other complications such as blindness!
It is a prolific seed producer and is spreading quickly pushing out native species!
And, yes Rosy, it is in Ontario!
There is a call out to eradicate any and all plants. Burning is not recommended!
We all thought Purple Loosestrife was bad, now it's Hogweed!!
Here's a few good articles on this new blight:
Thank you my brother is on Face book so I sent him the videos Wicked Stuff it does look like a perennial.
Wow, they should start using this as a deterrent on the Canada, US border. Keep those drug hungry seniors at bay...
LOL! That's funny. Cycle's statment not the plant.
Wow that plant sounds really bad. I have never heard of it.

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