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I was wondering how many plants per person you should plant. I can't find information anywhere on the internet! These are following plants I have in my garden and how many of each I have:
Okra - 2 plants
Peppers - 6 plants
Tomatos - 4 plants
Watermelon - 1 plant
Bush Bean - 1 plant
Green Beans - planted 6 seeds, 2 in each hole
White Eggplant - 1 plant
Squash - 3 plants
Zucchini - 3 plants
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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That's a good question Kallie! I've never really thought about how many plants per person. Thinking about it..I'd say it all depends...if you just want a few fresh veggies during the season, you have a good garden. Although, I would have planted a couple more bush beans. I don't know how to plant small so that's just my opinion..LOL I have about 40 plants of each or LOTS more of everything on your list. I do a load of canning and freezing. Tonight I'm canning tomatoes. Working on the 5th case now. Good luck with your garden.
Wow..thats alot of plants. I do have alot of extra space to use in my yard. I might think about going crazy with some tomatoes

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Kallie, I have tried to grow okra here, but our cool nights keep them from maturing and bearing fruit. I noticed though that you planted 3 squash and 3 zucchini. That's a lot of squash. But I have to admit to doing the same thing. I have four spots for squash. At each spot I will have three plants quite close to each other (within inches). I have a sprinkler at each spot for watering. The water is set quite low, so it doesn't get the water on top of the plants. One spot will be Acorn Squash. That is a winter variety and it is a vining plant like pumpkin. The second spot will be Butternut Squash, andother winter vining variety. The third spot will be Zucchini and the fourth will be Yellow Straightneck. I think the winter varieties are called that because they keep quite well for months in a cool dark place. The summer squash varieties don't keep well.
I grow a lot of green beans. I have three 42' rows of Blue Lake pole beans. That gives me much more than I can use, but I give the rest away. Year before last, I gave away 55 gallons of green beans. I can enough of them for our family and give the rest away.
What you are planning there though will give you lots of delicious fresh vegetables.
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There's so many things to do with tomatoes, tom sandwich, stewed, in soups, salsas, salads and lots more. Hubby and I planted around 250 plants. Our first 4 rows are ready and in a few weeks we'll have more. I've been trying to get all the canning done and work a public job's been hard. We're lucky to have a long growing season, you have time to get some more plants going if you like.
All the plant's you have listed should do well for you.There's field's of all these veggie's in GA.Alot of produce come's to Alabama from Georgia.Love their peaches and watermelon's,tomatoe's.I have never planted per person.We have a large garden spot and plant row's and row's of veggies.What we don't use or need we share with neighbor's.

If you have the space and if you do any canning or freezing then you could plant lots of most of the plants on your list. BTW I think you would need more than 1 bush bean and with 3 Zucchini you will be feeding the neighborhood if they do well.
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You need to also consider if you are going to can or freeze for winter use. If you are planting a sustance garden and want to carry yourself year round, you may want to conside adding 1-2 more plants for each thing you want to preserve. It is just my husband and I and I plant way more than that just to carry us through the growing season. If you diet is mostly veggies you will really want more than one bush bean. Tey what you have this year and adjust accordingly next year
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We went over to see my older daughter and her husband on Saturday and she proudly showed me her small garden. It is about 4' x 8' as they have a pretty small yard. But at least she has a garden. Ruben is helping her with it too. She had that surgery on her neck last Wednesday and she will have some time off for the recovery process. I watched her though and she at least has some ability to move her head.
yea Randy my yard is small too..its planted in a L shape along a chain link the vining plants can climb..I will try to post some pics sometime soon. Thank you all for your advice..I guess I will know next year what works and what doesnt. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to