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New Member
one of those doll case things

you know it's made out of glass and has a wood base

I have the limited edition Cinderella Barbie doll that BF got me when they were available and have been off and on looking for one

I want one of the ones that is a "bell" I guess you would call it

I do not want one of the square ones

I have looked everywheres here checked one more time at Hobby Lobby yesterday and they have the great big huge one and a short one
so now I have to try on-line but don't even know the proper name for the darned thing

Can anyone help me?

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You might check out the container store or crate and barrel. I haven't done crate and barrel but the container store has many display pieces.
Boy those babies ain't cheap are they?? :eek:

Think I'm probably goona go with Collectors warehouse

I want glass becaue I'm worried that acrylic will get scratched up

Thanks Bluesie ;)
Y'all hold on to your wallet when you go to buy one of those. But to protect a treasure sometimes you gotta go there.

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