Mainegal,First..Missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been busy!!!!!!!!!!!Almost back...*lol
I am sorry to hear you lost any plant being I love them all and know what it is like to loose one.But..there is hope ...
A few questions..
What kind of soil was there with the butterfly bush?
And is it usually this late to take off?
I would advise to give the bf bush time, I thought I lost a few but then later that same year ('06- bought baby in "05) I saw a sign of life! She is fine now.
I think it has to do with the timing of mulching and root systems drainage...
Just my thoughts.
If you mulch while no deep freeze comes you keep it warmed a tad, then a deep freeze comes and overwhelms the roots overnight.If you have good drainage you still have hope.I would plant a zinnia or something there for now on top *lol just to fill the space.
My BF WeedFlower (Asclepias tuberosa) Simple died not sure if weed killer was the cause I didn't see her do it.But it was the one she inquired about and there are hundreds of other that wasn't spoken of.
So anyway,it is gone,and with the tap root it may come back I chopped it and hope in a few years it will uprise, actually I wont know because I will stick a clump from her pod there.
As far as will probably come back ; if it was chewed or cut .My Clematis are slowwwwwwwwwww growing and no great performance out of them.May be because of their neighbors, I separated them and by 2011 I should get a final performance*LOL
OH!Weave the vines in/out of the ground about 3inches deep or so, up to 6''.
letting about 8-10 inches out and above the ground and continue for as long as you can, add a tad bit of new soil on the buried parts,make certain to bury the leave spots and pull the leaves off or cut leave a cm of leave on the vine in some spots and mark it with a drinking straw or stick of some kind so you will know which took ,(either the pulled leaf or the cut clean leaf) you can also slice the leaves in the center not making two pieces just in the center and bury those.
I would try all.No scence in just thowint he stma out,that is ...if you can get it off the trellis..OH!!!!!!! Water stick some in water! Rain water preferred!
Do not let the water evaporate and take the leaves off (Clean cut or leaving a cm or so) the parts in the water .
What kind of mulch did you use (or the clematis')?
I hope you can try any of these.
Missed you..
BFBush..I would leave if I was certain the drainage is good.