Japanese Beetles!

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Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity,anyone dealing with those darn Japanese Beetles loving some of your plants to pieces!?!
From various sources I came up with a solution of Dawn, Murphy's oil soap, canola oil, granulated garlic -not garlic salt!, and water in a spray bottle. I saw to plant garlic near plants you don't want bothered by them and since it's a little late to do that I sought the next best thing.
They were all over my plum tree and since I wasn't planning on eating the plums I wanted to try to safe the foliage at least. I sprayed the tree and then took a branch and knocked on the branches to knock off the bugs and then I sprayed it again. A few would fly and land, but they'd just walk around with stopping to eat. This morning when I went out there there were very few bugs on the tree. Maybe it worked.

I did come in the house smelling like a clean floor and salad from the spray. lol
You ought to try dealing with a trapped skunk. Bet you can figure out how I smelled.
It is an experience. LOL The first one I trapped was not in a live trap, but had managed to spray before dying. I got on my knees to extricate the skunk from the trap and thus got that all over my clothes. When I walked in the back door of the house, Fiona was at the washer and he head shot up and said, "You have to get out of those clothes." I've only caught four skunks this year, but last year I caught sixteen.
I have these lil burgers also... I keep a two gallon sprayer handy...
I just use 2tbls dish liquid... Ivory is gentler but any dish liquid will work..add 1 tbls vegetable oil and add water... It takes care of them right away...
I have used this for about 5-6 years now.

Awe had to edit to add....spray early in the morning...other wise it might mess up the plant.

It is an experience. LOL The first one I trapped was not in a live trap, but had managed to spray before dying. I got on my knees to extricate the skunk from the trap and thus got that all over my clothes. When I walked in the back door of the house, Fiona was at the washer and he head shot up and said, "You have to get out of those clothes." I've only caught four skunks this year, but last year I caught sixteen.

Randy you need a different hobby this one stinks. LOL
I agree with Bernie. SIXTEEN! I think you should put some birth control pellets out there.

prettylady, I wondered if the oil and soap combination would be counterproductive to each other, but if you've used it that long and it works, it must be okay.
Randy & Kya D---I never had them out west either, now that I am back in the mid-west they are HORRIBLE!!

PrettyLady---I am going to try your spray mix today and see how it goes. Already threw out my basil, it was disgusting!....
A good way to start preventing Japanese beetles is to have less lawn. Japanese beetles lay their eggs in the roots of turf grass, so the smaller the amount of lawn people have, the smaller the number of new Japanese beetles will be.

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