Lemon Cream Cheese Pie

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New Member
1 baked pie shell or 1 graham cracker crust
I use the filling recipe from the my lemon meringue pie.
1 package (8oz.) cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup powdered sugar
Whipped Cream

Beat the cream cheese and the powdered sugar together until well blended. Beat 1/3 of the lemon filling into the cream cheese mixture. Spread the lemon cream cheese mixture in the bottom of the crust. Spread the remainder of the lemon filling on top of the cream cheese mixture. Top with whipped cream before serving.

Whipped Cream
Put a glass or metal bowl, along with the beaters fo the mixer into the refrigerator to chill. When ready to make whipped cream, remover the bowl and beaters. Pour 1/2 pint of heavy cream into the bowl and beat on medium speed until cream begins to thicken. Add 1/4 cup powdered sugar and 1 tsp. vanilla. Beat on high speed until cream is stiff. Do not overbeat or you will have sweet butter!

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