Looking for these for postage

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New Member
I am looking for these for postage, if anyone has any that they would share with me I would appreciate it so very much,,,they are Pink Muhly Grass, Black Pearl Calla Lily, Kent Beauty Ornamental Oregano, Digitalis-Spanish Peaks, Passionflower-Sherry, and any kind of Begonias,,,thank you for your time and kindness and for sharing with me,,take care God bless you all and your loved ones,,Cassie:D
Do you have anything to trade? I can do postage but I love new stuff especailly on trade. I do have Angel Wing Begonias, and if they get going a little better I can get you a cutting of a ruffle leaf tri color begoina. They didn't like to move inside when it got cold so they are just now coming back from the root. I also have generic pinks.
Let me know

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