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What a day yesterday was for me.. Started out with my sons car not starting and my having to drive him 40 miles to school one way, which I hated to do. But after I dropped him off I went to walmart and got potting soil and a three containers of Rock cress aubrieta in a beautiful blue color. I then started home and found myself driving to the garden center, where I got to spend an hour with Eddy the owner and talk plants and see some of the 28 green houses they have. I was concerned about my plants not being big enough but they are the same size that they have so that was a big relief off me. I also saw the new guinie impatient baskets and the picotee begoinas which are just beautiful. Eddy is such a sweet heart and talked with me, which I really appreciate him taking the time to let me peek into his plant world. But most of all I love the gift of 50 picotee begoinas in orange and yellow he gave to me when I was getting ready to leave. Yes 50 of them they are now my pride and joy and I'm going to go more soil for making hanging baskets for me, I can't wait to do it. DH wanted to know what I was going to do with them all, they are mine and I planting every single one for me and the humming birds of course. here are pictures of the picotee begoinas
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What a beautiful gift Karen> I know you will have fun planting them.
Oh what a nice thing for you, Karen! I am sure that you will enjoy!
Those are beautiful ENJOY
Super Moderator
Staff member
They are beautiful, what a really nice thing for him to do
Super Moderator
Staff member
Wow! What a blessed day you had in return for the drive you had to make. See now If you hadn't had to drive your son to school , you never would have ended up there!
I agree crabbergirl, I would have been here cleaning the house, yuck!! now I have beautiful flowers, now if I can just find my hanging baskets!
Wow you are going to have some spectacular baskets. Lucky girl. For some reason this makes me think of that song Pennies from Heaven. Can't remember the words exactly but the idea of things going from bad to good is there.
They are so pretty Sunflower. I love it when someone takes the time to talk with me at the garden centers. I like to find small out of the way garden centers. It seems they are more friendly and willing to talk and share info. They are also more generous to their customers.
Good luck with your wonderful flowers and be sure to post some pictures as you pot them up.
store throwing away plants
What a day yesterday was for me.. Started out with my sons car not starting and my having to drive him 40 miles to school one way, which I hated to do. But after I dropped him off I went to walmart and got potting soil and a three containers of Rock cress aubrieta in a beautiful blue color. I then started home and found myself driving to the garden center, where I got to spend an hour with Eddy the owner and talk plants and see some of the 28 green houses they have. I was concerned about my plants not being big enough but they are the same size that they have so that was a big relief off me. I also saw the new guinie impatient baskets and the picotee begoinas which are just beautiful. Eddy is such a sweet heart and talked with me, which I really appreciate him taking the time to let me peek into his plant world. But most of all I love the gift of 50 picotee begoinas in orange and yellow he gave to me when I was getting ready to leave. Yes 50 of them they are now my pride and joy and I'm going to go more soil for making hanging baskets for me, I can't wait to do it. DH wanted to know what I was going to do with them all, they are mine and I planting every single one for me and the humming birds of course. here are pictures of the picotee begoinas
I remember the time I saw flats and flats of spindly impatiens which the store was throwing out because new ones arrived. They gave them to me for free and all they needed was pinching back to fill my huge garden.
I also look for blooming bulbs which are past their prime. The stores sell them for 50 cents or a dollar. What a bargain!
Rose White, author of
"Easy Gardens A to Z"
I tried to get spent plants at walmart last year as they where just sitting there and they said no we can't sell those to you, we have to throw them away. What a shame I thought when I know I can save them but in the dumpster they went, OH!! that's just like walmart. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to