My 9 inch yellow Dahlia a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


this is 2 years old and this year the flower got to be 9 inches across, it has several other blossoms and I'm waiting to see if one of them gets to be the same size or bigger.


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It is my pride and joy for this summer. The blight seems to be killing everything else so I'm very thankful this has lasted and turned out so lovely. We have to find joy in this blight that has hit everyone and this shows that GOD is still in control and loves us all no matter what.
Oh Karen, It's beautiful. The ones you sent me have fat buds on them, I am just waiting for them to show! Thanks again;)
Post pictures so I can see them crabbergirl, I like to know that they are wonderful and do blossom for folks I send them too.
this is 2 years old and this year the flower got to be 9 inches across, it has several other blossoms and I'm waiting to see if one of them gets to be the same size or bigger.
Oh my, thought I'd take a few minutes and see what I have missed all summer..

Now that is a Dahlia!:D:D
It wasn't finished opening yet either..
It had to have gotten even bigger..
Im new to dahlias and mine pleased me if they bloomed...
But Wow that is just too pretty perfectly formed.
What did the others do?
Who won your Seasons Biggest Bloom Award (for) 2009!?
Was it yellow?

Very nice indeed..

Oh Sunflower That is just magical!!!!

I love yellow!!! (after blue)

I wish I could have dahlias here but you have to dig them up every fall and I always forget!!

9 inches that is amazing!!!

good job!!!
Bluewolf, you can grow them in a pot! Then you won't forget to take them in!
If they are the larger ones trust me you will not forget to take them in, you will be so thrilled to see them grow you will remember! That is mostly what I did .You can start them from seed too! May not be as cool !
But a start!
That is what I did..
You can too!

I wish I could have dahlias here but you have to dig them up every fall and I always forget!!

Blue, I have a laundry basket full of tubers plus tubers stored in pots and bags, I have to dig them every year too, but i don't mind that I love growing them. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
