Need a potato education a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
I bought a bag of seed potatoes at a local farm/garden center but didn't get much in the way of advice on how to plant them. I know the basics as far as planting with the eyes facing up, the soil requirements and such. My education need is how to cut the potato (thick? thin?) and prepare it for planting. At the garden center when I asked how to cut the potato I was told "with a knife"...humorous, but not followed by a serious response to my question. Had I not already paid for the potatoes, I probably would have walked out. I sure would appreciate some input from you potato experts!!
I have always tried to have two or three eyes on a segment when I plant them, so I often would get four or five seed segments from a single potato. Plant them about 5 or 6 inches deep with the eye up and wait. Good luck! What kind did you get?
You know Randy I remember My Dad telling us that when they had very little food, they would peel the potatoes thick and cook the potato and plant the Peeling. I think it worked pretty well. BOY I am sure we don't have it that tough now.
Thanks for the responses. I'll check out the site. I bought the "brand name" attached to either choice other than red or white. Thanks again!
Palmettogal it's a good idea to cut the potatoes a day or two before planting and let the potato callous over before planting. Helps elimate chance of the potatoes rotting. Here is a great website that will give you lots of good information and good luck to you. Now is the time in most areas in SC to get the potatoes planted.
That was a great website for folks that haven't planted potatoes before. Don't plant the potatoes too deep. Good luck and keep us posted on how well the potatoes do.
Great site. I might try some in tires this yr as I don't have space in the fenced in section. Not sure if the deer would eat them or not if I tried to grow them without being fenced. Does anyone know if deer will eat them or not?
Deer have never eaten my potato plants but they have eaten most everything else.
Deer did eat the tops on my potatoes and my tomatoes last year. One thing I have found that helps with potatoes is that you should make sure your growing area is free of as many sticks, twigs and stones as you can. Nothing like cutting a beautiful potato that has something grown into the middle of it :p
I saw this post a little late..but my advice ..don't cut eyes (sprouts) thin..leave some tator with that cutting! I like my eyes to be attached to almost half inch of potato. You should get about 3 cuttings, more or less, depending on the size of the potato and how well it has sprouted eyes. I let the eye's dry overnight. I use 5-10-10 fertilizer so I tiller that into my soil and then plant the eyes. Eyes should be up and looking at you when you cover with soil.
All great information...I have not planted potato's for roughly 5 years now...the last twoo because of all the moving...but the reason I gave up on them was the bug troubles I alwasy seemed ot have...the greens alwasy seem to attrack aphids...anyone have that problem? They don't affect the potato...but as the greens would get covered then move on to other plants ...I do companion plant and also release ladybugs...but when potates are growing It just gets terrible...I am I don't spray any chemicals...any thoughts?
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Debe, I haven't had problems with bugs, but the moles and gophers act like they have hit a bonanza. I think I got 4 moles last year in the garden, but they still got into my carrots and beets.
Randy, I didn't have a bit of trouble with the moles/gophers at the old place. Now I do see signs they are around this area in the neighbors yards...But not a mound or hole to be found here. Only time will tell as I begin to plant the veggies.
I got the taters cut yesterday evening, Gloria, and cut them a little on the thick side. They are drying and will get them in the ground over the weekend, probably Sunday as it looks like hit-or-miss showers are set to come in tonight and last through mid morning on Saturday. I've never had a problem with moles but those pesky aphids are always a challenge. I use oil/water/dish-soap in my vigilante warfare arsenal...not always successfully.
Deb, we have at least one really working out there in the back yard around the bird feeders. That one won't come anywhere near the garden, but I should set a couple of traps and see if I can get him. David will hit those mounds with the mower and that doesn't help it any.
Well with our wicked winter that would not quit... we are only just now getting to planting potatoes. Like most everything else, we are going with a 45 gallon size plastic container hubby brought home from work. We are thinking though, of cutting it in half and having 2 containers, as we are worried planting the potatoes at the bottom of a 4 foot high container will block too much light at the beginning. Also hubby is going to experiment with planting them in sawdust. I think we should mix it with at least some good soil, to hold a bit of water if nothing else. we are doing Russian Blue, Russet, and Klondike Rose. I'll let everyone know how this experiment turns out, and if anyone has any tips at all about growing in sawdust, please help! We do already know not to use cedar. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
