a friendly and growing community of gardeners.
We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.
Hi all some on here may already know me. Hi old friends. But I'm a stay at mom of 3 and grandma of 1 and new 1 next month. I love to garden,bake,sew and take care of my family.
Glad you joined us, now looks like the whole gang is here hehehe. Hope you enjoy your stay here. This is a friendly bunch of people. The person that started this site name is BOB. He will be more than helpful when he can.
Hi Angela glad you joined us!!! How much rain did you get yesterday? We only got .42 inches of rain accross town some got 1.5+ inches of rain. My garden can't take much more rain. Let me know if I can help you. Are you still growing the palm trees?
Miss baby thanks for the welcome glad to see some old friends. & Miss dale we didn't get rain yesterday for once. But every day before that. & yes I still have seeds. I need to start some. I lost all mine 2 u need some LOL.
Welcome, I remember your name from another site. Glad to see you here, jump right in and make your self at home.
I am so tired of rain,, my poor veggie garden is floating as we've had so much rain.
Hope to see you around.
Angela thanks for the offer but not this year. I have downsized a lot this year. Helping a friend manage a used appliance store here in Florence and committed to my vegetable garden. When sharing my vegetables with friends and neighbors, they seem to be more appreciative this year. Angela are you growing watermelons this year? I bought a personal seedless watermelon at the Farmer's Market on Friday and it was excellent. I saved 4 viable seeds planning to plant. We shall see.
Hi Angela, glad you joined us. Jo's right, most of the ole gang is here now. Thanks to Bob, we have a wonderful gathering place again. Jump in and enjoy!
Hi Angela I am so glad you made it here, there are alot of the old crew here and some I didn't know at first but mostly we are all old buds now.
Welcome Enjoy jump right in
Woodstock...Greenville has it's beauty and it's beasts so would depend on where your aunt lives. I love it up that way, particularly in the smaller communities in the foothills of the mountains. The northwest corner of our state is beautiful! Please tell you aunt to make sure and go up to Camp Greenville to Symmes Chapel (Pretty Place). It is breathtaking and will give you cold chills. Here is a link... is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to