OK I'm gonna take bets

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There are a lot of weed seeds that can remain buried for decades, if not centuries, just waiting to be brought to the soil surface where they germinate with the exposure to sunlight and the right temperature!
Lupine seeds have been found frozen in glaciers, and have been carbon dated at over 30,000 years!
They had no problem germinating when sown in good soil and warm temps!
That's really amazing. I keep my seeds in my refrigerator and I get pretty fair germination when I plant them.
I am not in the very best house to germinate seeds. It gets pretty cold at night. I should invest in a heat mat for the seeds but don't know if it would be worth it.
But I'm trying
I got a truck load of aged goat poop. I thought I hit the lottery until the nettles started germinating. I now have tons of nettles in my garden where I had a weed free area before. This poo was about 6 months composted had no idea that these seeds would have not cooked down. So yes it is amazing what especially weed seeds can go through and still be viable!
I got a truck load of aged goat poop. I thought I hit the lottery until the nettles started germinating. I now have tons of nettles in my garden where I had a weed free area before. This poo was about 6 months composted had no idea that these seeds would have not cooked down. So yes it is amazing what especially weed seeds can go through and still be viable!

If its stinging nettle you could always steam it and use it like spinach!
There are some grass seed, as well as some of the viney nightshades that have to go through the digestive track of birds before they can germinate!
Stinging nettle is the only nettle we have around here.
I didn't know you could steam and eat it
Sounds like you will have them forever! The seeds remain viable for a very long time!
So, you may as well use them as a food source!
Try not to cutivate, it brings the seeds to the surface!
Once exposed to light and moisture they germinate!
I have a clump of it a few feet wide on the beach. It's been there for decades, slowly expanding! It's the only one I found, probably because either the birds take care of the seeds or the seeds are washed away by high water and high winds!
Wear gloves to harvest! It makes a great omlette! Or, steam it and add butter, salt and pepper!

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