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I helped my brother pickle 17 quarts of squash this week end. He likes my pickled squash so I thought it was time he learned to make his own. I use a recipe for bread and butter pickles and substitute the squash in place of cucumbers. Usually I can mine in pint jars but evidently he really likes them, he wanted to use quart jars!
Is anyone else doing any canning?
WOW Gloria that is great. Did the squash come from your brother's or your garden?
Strawberries are available now so I could start on those. I think I still ahve two cases of jam from last year though. I opened a jar a couple of weeks ago and it disappeared rather quickly. But when left to their own devices, the grandkids will go for the Marionberry jam every time.
Randy, I can understand the kids going after the marionberry jam..that stuff is goooood!
Dor, my brother has his own garden so the squash came from his. My squash are just now starting to come off. I'll be doing some pickling for myself this week end. I got 5 cucumbers today..the first of the crop..I'm so proud when my gardens begin to produce!
I finally got some stuff planted on Saturday so I am a long way from harvesting anything.
ahhhh..I just sat down after getting corn, okra and tomatoes canned tonight. I started early this morning and canned a case of toms that I had prepared for jarring last night. After harvesting this afternoon, I had another case of toms to can. 30 minutes and they will be done and ready to remove from the canner. I'm beat!!!
I picked 3 tomatoes this weekend!!!! Wow! That took forever. But maybe I am on my way finally.
Isn't it exciting when those mators start turning red Nancie??
I've got a few to can tonight and that's it till the later ones are ready.
Randy, I canned a case (pints) of Salsa using Feona's recipe. It turned out very good.
Bless your heart. That recipe is very close to one in the Ball Blue Book. I just gave another jar to some friends that were visiting from PA. I gave them one of the warmer salsas also along with a couple of jars of jam. I picked some cherries today and will probably process those tomorrow. They are pie cherries and certainly not sweet. some of them really make youi pucker if they aren't pretty red.
Randy, I liked that she didn't add a lot of Cilantro to the recipe. I'm not a big fan of Cilantro and the amount in hers added just enough flavor that it wasn't overwhelming. I also like mild salsa so her recipe was perfect for me.
Have you ever made cherry Jam???
Yes, I have. I made some last year from the cherries I got from our tree. This year, the birds didn't even let them get ripe before they were all gone. I just did some cherry pie filling this evening from the cherries I picked yesterday at a friends place. I didn't get many, so I only got three quarts of filling. But that will make three cherry pies.
I have another mild salsa recipe that I make also, but it does have some jalapeno peppers in that one. I put in just enough so you know they are there but without being overpowering to someone that doesn't care for the heat.
I also made this recipe & they are VERY good ☺

Garlic and Dill Freezer Pickles

8 cups thinly sliced cucumbers
1 sweet onion, thinly sliced
1 cup white vinegar
2 TBSP pickling salt
1 tsp celery seed
1 cup Splenda (or sugar)
1 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp dried dill weed

Combine cucumbers and onions in a large bowl.

In a small sauce pan, heat the remaining ingredients to boiling. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature.

Pour the brine over the cucumbers and onions and stir well. Cover and place bowl in the refrigerator. Stir once daily for the next three days. Spoon cucumbers and onions into freezer containers and cover with the brine. Place containers in freezer. These will keep frozen for up to one year. Thaw overnight in fridge when ready to serve.

Cucumber Jalapeno Pickle recipe

1 more PICKLE/Cucumber recipe to share that I have made..will make again & turn up the heat by adding more peppers..this is "sissy" version (lol)
This is a very basic FREEZER Hot and Sweet pickle so you can add this or that..more of this or that ..etc etc.;)

Cucumber Jalapeno Pickle recipe/Hot and Sweet Freezer Pickles
Makes about 3 pints
3 1/2 cups thinly sliced pickling cucumbers (about 1 pound)
1 medium onion -sliced and separated into rings
2 jalapeño peppers -seeded and sliced
3 cloves garlic -minced
1 tsp salt
1 cup sugar
1 cup white vinegar
2 tbsps water
In a saucepan over medium heat, cook sugar, vinegar and water, stirring until sugar dissolves. Combine cukes, onion and peppers in a non-reactive bowl. Pour cooled sugar/vinegar mixture over cuke mixture; cover and chill 48 hours. Spoon into 6 half-pint jars, leaving 1/2 inch head space.OR use freezer bags. Seal, label and freeze. Thaw in refrigerator before serving. Freeze pickles up to 6 months. Use thawed pickles within one week.
Strawberries are available now so I could start on those. I think I still ahve two cases of jam from last year though. I opened a jar a couple of weeks ago and it disappeared rather quickly. But when left to their own devices, the grandkids will go for the Marionberry jam every time.
I can certainly attest to Randy's Marionberry jam!!!!!! YUMMY!!!!!!!
We are in the midst of Marionberry season right now and I have yet to go pick. If I don't get to it, there won't be any left.

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