Potato replant?

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New Member

Thanks in advance for any help here, love this forum. My question is can potatos be replanted. I live in Southeast Kansas. I religously plant my potatos (Yukon Gold) every St. Pats day (March 17th). I recently harvested half of my small crop and would love to replant if it will work.

Kansas Matt
I think you would still have time to get a crop at this point. Potatoes are more tolerant of frost that some plants anyway.
Thanks Randy, quick answer. Yukon Gold's are great on the grill with butter and spices wrapped in foil. I can't get enough.
You are welcome. I know I am probably prejudiced, but I don't think you can beat the flavor on those Yukon Golds.
I agree with Randy---your "growing season" should be long enough for a double harvest. But even if they dont get really big--those little ones are fantastic! We have a dish here in New England called--"new potatoes & peas"(or string beans). Cook them up-mix them together(whole) then add cream( or can milk), butter, salt & pepper. MMMMMMMMmmmmmmm! Love Yukon Golds!

PS--they dig up the little ones here--aka "new potatoes"--and charge you $5.00 for a little 2# bag!!:(

BTW-----welcome to the forum! Great people here.:)
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