Purple foliage

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New Member
Hi! I am looking to plant something in my garden (Coastal, San Diego) with something with purple (not black or red) foliage that would be close to the ground (below 2 feet). We would like something that stays purple most of the year, perennial preferred, is easy to grow, and not poisonous to children. We prefer for bees not to be very attracted to it (bee allergy). It would be in full-partial sun. Do you have any recommendations? Or, do you recommend any of the below:

Burgundy Glow Bugleweed (Ajuga Reptans) / Persian Shield / Basil purple ruffles / Red Rubin basil / Purple leaf garden sage / Bulls blood beet / Purple kale / Purple succulent / Purple prince / Heuchera / Tradescantia pallida 'Purple Heart' / Oxalis triangularis aka false shamrock

Thank you!

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