Purple iris

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New Member
this is the first iris to start to bloom it should open more when it warms up more.
the pic could have been better but I was cold :( and the wind was starting up again so I took a fast pic and went back in where it was warm.

Too cool. So far almost all of my iris that have buds have taken a hard frost. It really breaks my heart
I love the chives
Ours have bloomed out already. I think it is so cool how the seasons are so diffrent from place to place.
The one you have is a pretty little thing.And I see bud's love your blue pot.
And I see maybe some catcus in pot's on your step's.I want one of those half barrel's.:)
OK bear as far as I can figger we all like your iris but we Love parts of your yard.
The barrel, the strawberry pot, and I just love everything in your yard.
Spider_Lily, what you see on the steps are Cryptanthus or earth stars there in the Bromeliad family they come in many colors and are easy to grow.

The strawberry jar was a trash find its in great shape now to plant strawberry in it, I also love the chives I use them alot and the grow back after being cut,then half barrel was a canna pot for a while, then a herb garden now I'm going to plant toms in it this year I'll have to replace it next year its starting to rot but I like the look of real wood.
You guys can come and play in my garden any time you want, I love having people share my garden and I won't even ask you to pull weeds :rolleyes:
What up with that I can't believe you don't have a sign that says "free weeds you pick"
Ok you heard Bear we can all go play in here yard.Wish I lived closer.Everyone bring a plant or a few seed and we will party at Bear's.Garden Party .:):)
More pics please...that one was really nice. I like the pot and barrel too as well as all the plants. I have chives also.. three pots,,I use a lot of chives!
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Yellow iris

I didn't even know I had a yellow iris until this past week end, its a pale yellow it looks all most white at times , the strawberry pot has strawberries in and I've had 2 berries from it, the half barrel is now a salad bar with lettuce, toms and basil,I've planted more veggies this year than I have ever



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