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I know this isn't a gardening question but it is a question.

I must have forgot my password and GF sent me a new one but now I don't know how to change it back to something that I MIGHT remember cuz I know that I will not remember the one that it is now.

Please Help
Thanks in advance.
in the upper left hand click user cp. it's under settings & options, very easy hope you get it..
Super Moderator
Staff member
Dawn if you need my help let me know

I'm here to tell you Y'all never cease to amaze me
Thanks for all the info sunflower and crabber
Now everybody knows just how computer "stupid" I really am.
But I'll keep trying cuz I love everybody @ GF
Super Moderator
Staff member
That's computer
'challenged', not computer

Awwww that makes me feel better
Thank you Ron
Super Moderator
Staff member
That's computer
'challenged', not computer
You said it before I got to, Ron. I know what I know only because someone else shared what they knew with me.
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