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I would love to have you all post your recipes that you use fresh herbs in. I would like to learn more about using fresh herbs and need some recipes
Thanks everyone
I make a great pork roast with a dry rub of rosemary, thyme, garlic powder, salt and brown sugar. It always goes over well.
Sounds delicious Jade. I like pork roast but don't cook it ofen because it can be dry if not cooked right.
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I like to make chicken with a marinade of lemon juice and tarragon. then I grill it.
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Miss Dorothy, that has been my experience too. I have made two different sauces though that perk up a pork roast. One of them is based around some canned cranberry sauce and the other one I used my blueberry jam for a base. I made a peach BBQ sauce last week to top grilled tilapia and the family really liked it. That particular recipe came from Paula Dean on TV. It was good on the fish, but I bet it would also be good on a pork roast. I'm not much into gravies although I love the taste. But I'm thinking I will venture forth in a gravy experiment the next time I make a pork roast.
We gotta love any man that cooks Randy. I know that is one of the things that I love about my hubby. My ex cooked once a year, Valentines day. With this hubby he would be cooking every other night if I was working. He still cooks lots, especially on the weekends. When he was growing up his mom was working and he had to help in the dinner cooking. I think that since he has a high stress job it gives him a chance to wind down at the end of the day. I have been encouraging my older son to cook. We bought him a cookbook for Christmas. I am not sure if he has even looked at it, but it is my fault for not getting him involved earlier in his life. I take him grocery shopping for Birthdays and Holidays, what could be better? I even got thank you calls from his roommates. I save him leftovers from our frequent dinner parties and pack them in his Jeep when he comes to visit. He is back to war sometime this year and I will sure miss his visits.
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I understand that. It is good to do that for our military people. I know how much I appreciated the occasional box that my mother would send when I was across the pond. The fellows in my compartment would gather like hungry wolves when one of Mom's packages would come. I like to cook though and since I only do it once a week, I want the family to enjoy that particular evening as something special. My daughter tells me though that I make too much. What she means is variety. But I work at making the meals balanced besides being tasty. We do not often have desserts, but I will make one occasionally especially if I am a little short on carbs for the meal. That pistachio pudding recipe made a big hit with the family.
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I make Tabhouli with my parsley and cilantro. Oh my gosh how I love it. And what a great diet food.
3 bunches of parsley
1 bunch cilantro
2 lemons
garlic crushed and powdered
olive oil
Finely chop parsley and cilantro
add small diced tomatoes ( about 3 large)
add dice onions ( about 1-2 med)
add crushed garlic
sqeeze the lemons over the mix add a little olive oil. Now I don't have this down to a measurment because I wing it from the bottle. I like it a little on the juicy side so if the lemons don't have a lot of juice I will add from the bottle. At this point is where I add a little salt and pepper to taste and then the powdered garlic.
Sometimes you will see this with diced cukes also and the original greek version adds soaked bulgur wheat which I love but can't find any more. DO NOT USE WHEAT GERM!
You can adjust tomatoes to your taste sometimes I put in more sometimes less. But it is a very healthful salad made from herbs. You can add other leafy herbs to taste it just depends on what I have growing

Yummmmm Tabhouli!!
I make a Bruschetta with home grown maters, fresh basil and garlic. Diced tomatoes, chop garlic and Basil. place on dark baking sheet, dress with olive oil and bake at 275 for a couple of hours, spread on good crusty bread. I live on it during the summer!
Here is one.
Chicken and Basil Salad
1 cup corkscrew pasta
1/2 lb. boneless-skinless chicken breast
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. black pepper
4 plum tomatoes, sliced lengthwise
1 small zucchini, sliced
1/4 cup green onion, sliced
2/3 cup fat-free italian salad dressing
1/4 cup fresh basil, snipped
Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain and ricse with cold water. Cut chicken into 1-inch pieces. Coat large skillet with cooking spray. Preheat over mecium heat. Add the chicken and stir-fry for 3 to 4 minutes or until it is no longer pink. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Remove from heat. Toss all of ingredients except salad dressing together. Drizzle the dressing over just before serving and toss.
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Bruschetta ! Always a great choice!
Chicken Basil sounds great too.
I always add what ever fresh herbs I have to a tossed salad. And you guys don't forget that an thing that you eat cooked can also be eaten raw in a salad. I just finished cutting broccoli and have left the leaves and stems in the garden. I trim a few and add to salads.

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I just posted this in another thread but thought I would put it here too.
I love Mexican food. This comes from a place called Tio Pepe's. They serve it with their strip steaks. Wow is it great. So I statred using it with everything. You really have to like garlic though and of course cilantro. This will keep for about a week before the cilantro starts to sour.
one bunch of cilantro minced
3 clove of garlic minced
1 tsp powdered garlic
mix together cover with olive oil
serve this over meats and fish as a compliment wow is it good. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to