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Right out of the garden, the very last of this years crop... Fixing a nice batch of salsa... Probably will be a bit hot since some of the peppers are hot... Our son-in-law likes it WAY hotter than my constitution will stand though...


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I'm glad you said that!!! Becky and I really don't use that much salsa, and the kids have all they need, leaving me with a bunch of cans just sitting there... Thanks for telling me that!!!
Great Ideas, I am pretty much of a cry baby when it comes to HOT salsa. But I love mild salsa.
I have 42 Qt's of salasa from this year...18 batches are really nice and hot with my hab's and white hot it on Christmas morning...LOL..
I picked the rest of my peppers today, but they are going to the nursing home tomorrow. I have all I need already. I have three 5-gallon buckets full to take tomorrow.
I had about 80 plants this year, so I had plenty to spare. I'm going to add a row next year and have four rows. I don't really need any more. I'll just give away more of them. I didn't have any Habanero plants this year though. I'm going to have to make sure that doesn't happen again. I had to buy some from the market and they sure weren't equal to what I have grown here.
I still have tomatoes and peppers going...this rain today is not making me real happy though...Randy I have a bunch of extra hab peppers ...nice and warm ..:)would you like some?
Good luck with your salsa making Iron you will find many uses for it once you have it on hand!
Wow Randy....that's a lot of peppers!
It is, but I have had fun giving them away. Deb, I have all the peppers I need. I will still make two more batches of salsa and I have the peppers all chopped up and frozen for those two batches. I will make one batch of "medium/hot" and that one has some habs in it, 10 of them. There is also 4 cups of chopped serranos. The other batch I have to make is a "mild" batch. The first mild batch I made has no hot peppers in it at all. This next one will have 2 cups of chopped jalapenos in it. That's enough to let you know there is something there, but will not cause any discomfort to those that don't like the hot stuff.
I still have tomatoes and peppers here too Flowers. I have quite a few large and cherry tomatoes on the vine over 25 large ones.
Dor is your weather holding out to ripen them ?...We have da some rain here the last two days and a bit cold...but rumor has it ...we are to warm again...I usually would pull my plants to hang the to ripen...but I grew my tomato on fence this year so not able to pull them...:(...If they ripen I willhave more than enough for a few more batches...I want to put up some of basil sauce

SL...I made chili last weekend as I had extra salsa from the last batch...Am soglad I did as the weather has been great chili weather
The dirst salsa batch I made this year was Fiona's recipe and it has basil in it. I prefer salsa without it, but obviously she prefers it with basil.
Dor is your weather holding out to ripen them ?...We have da some rain here the last two days and a bit cold...but rumor has it ...we are to warm again...I usually would pull my plants to hang the to ripen...but I grew my tomato on fence this year so not able to pull them...:(...If they ripen I willhave more than enough for a few more batches...I want to put up some of basil sauce

SL...I made chili last weekend as I had extra salsa from the last batch...Am soglad I did as the weather has been great chili weather

Flowers, my tomatoes will do well until the first frost in November. One thing good here is our long growing season. That is good since we have such hot summers. I hadlots of cherry tomatoes until November last year. We have gotten some rain and now the temperature is holding in the mid 80's. I plan to plant my mustards by the end of week and the turnips when I pull my okra up, probably by next week. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
