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We are hopefully going to be moving on our very own plot of (larger land) soon (4.22 acres). I am looking for the perfect tree.

-Not a pine tree
-Must grow ginormous
-Be fairly disease and bug resistant (I'm not a very good and attentive
-Flowers are okay
-Okay with all types of growing speeds
-Drought resistant
-Will be growing on a slope, not that big of one more like a hill
-I am in Zone 5

Can you help me?
Ever think of a Russian Olive, it can either be made into a bush like plant or a tree. Birds seem to enjoy it during the Summer months for food. It's fairly easy to take care of and it looks rather pretty too!
- I have 2 in my yard and get several compliments over them as well -
* hope that helped alittle * ( I'm from zone 5 too )
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I like that! the house sits on a top of a hill and from the pictures I've noticed alot of dirt. I thought if I planted some trees and some plants it will help stop erosion.

I was thinking of planting lots of bulbs and lillies on the hill but wanted something that would shade and look nice from a distance even though you can't see the house from the road. lol.

I'll add that one to the list.... I really wanted a camphor tree but they are a southern zone :(
We have Chinese elms. They make great trees and are really hardy BUT they can reseed and start little trees all over the place. I am not fond of russian olives because they spread worse than elms and those stinkin thorns are wicked.
I would look around you new neighborhood and see what is already doing well there.

When you say no pines, I aaume you mean no conifers, of which there are many well suited toi zone 5. Some thoughts for you toi look into are Northern Red Oak (Quecus Rubrum), Red Maple (Acer Rubrua), Surgar Maple (A. Sacharum), Chestnut Oak (Q. prinus). Again I urge you to look around... see what is native and handles landscape situatiuons well.
Thanks everyone. There is going to be a large group of trees surrounding us because all the houses are built in the same woods. The woods are filled with varios pines/oaks/maples.

I'm just looking for something with some pizazz to it somethig different I can see when I look out the
No Pecans in zone 5. No pizazz in Chinese elm or Russian olive. Take a look at horse chestnut, Hippocastanaceae Aesculus hippocastanum . Its got an attractive bloom and some cultivars have a very attractive red bloom.
I like magnolias.

We have a super long driveway so I was thinking of planting fruit trees along the drive on both sides apple/cherry/pears. That way it will shade the drive (which is gravel) make it a little more easier to pick the fruit since I can just pull the truck along side the tree. It will be pretty in the spring and they smell good.
Oh, lots of fruit trees would be very pretty! Not only the flowers in the spring, some fruit trees have an interesting form and look pretty cool* in the winter, too.

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