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Ok I have this area on the north side of my house. I'm going to remove the grass and rock it in. Here is the problem I want to put in some more perennials along the fence. So far I have some caldiums, ferns, ees, and a clementis at the end where there is some sunlight. What else should I use or should I just buy some more ferns and move some more ees into this space? I do not want to have to go in there often and I never want to take the weedeater in there again. This is a narrow 3-4 foot area. and it is totally fenced in.
You could pack some hostas in there, or use some lanium as a ground cover.
Yep Hostas, ferns, astibles, bleeding hearts.
Lynn, you're zone 8-9, right?
There are SO MANY choices!! Even with just the astilbe and hostas, there are so many varieties available! As well as the ones mentioned above, you might look at -
Actaea Bugbane are interesting, so are Ajuga and ferns of all kinds, Arum italicum, Jack-In-the-Pulpit,
Astilboides, Bergenia or Pigsqueak, Brunnera, Corydalis, Cyclamen, bleeding heart, Fuchsia, Ornamental colored grasses, Helleborus, Hepatica, Meehania cordata or
Creeping Mint, Oxalis, Podophyllum (check 'Kaleidoscope'),
Primrose (LOVE the doubles), Pulmonaria,
Toad Lily, Foamflower Tiarella, Trillium, vinca, viola (my shade favorite)
It all depends on what YOU want it to look like, heights needed and such. I generally like some color mixed in with my hostas & other shade plants. And the more you pack in there (esp ground covers), the less weeds will be able to get started.
Go to Big Dipper Farm & look at their shade plants!! Great pics as well as info on their site!
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I have hostas in my shade area. I really have to get some more and beef it up a bit. Also there are some shade lilies.
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crabber what are the shade lilies? That sounds very interesting. I do think for sure I will put some more ferns and I think some hostas will be nice. But then I'm going to take a list from Dizzy with me when I look for plants. You all are so nice about giving me ideas. But without a thought when I shop I can never find anything that fits my needs. When I have an idea then I can look at specific things and not everything. thanks everyone.
DizzyDaff's, has great bleeding heart goes crazy in my shade garden, as well as the Toad Lily.........I am going to have to divide them this year , for sure. I also have Jacob's Ladder.
Oh, Lynn...have you seen Raspberry Splash Pulmonaria? Its sooo pretty!
Hakone grass is a lovely addition to a shade garden. Also, Eupatorium Chocolate would give you some heigth and a nice chocolate covered leaf. I love pulmonaria, now if I would just have some shade quick...hmm. Bergenias are also one of my favorites.
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also wonder about the shade lilly ...
Here's my Mrs Moon - I just love how the blooms change color on this plant!
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Mrs. Moon?? Oh how kewl is that!
What about adding some sedum to your list? I have two kinds, and they bloom, plus you can walk on 'em, or mow over 'em, and they keep on truck'in!
That Mrs Moon is gorgeous, sadly I think it's too hot down here for it.
That Mrs Moon is gorgeous, sadly I think it's too hot down here for it.
How hot does it get there? Our temps are usually in the high 90s but we always get a week where it hits 107 - 110 and we get as low as -10. Our humidity is very low. I have several Mrs. Moon's and they are all doing great. Of couse they are in full shade or during the hottest part of the day.
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Wow those are awesome, I've never seen them before.
you might want to try some epimedum, hardy perennial, the plant is cool looking, its all so known as horny goat weed and does well in the shade it seems to like the abuse and damp soil I have even let the moss grow, its easy to care for and not a lot of work
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I went to the wildflower center to their flower sale. I picked plants that said part shade. then I came home and forgot what some of them said. I did put a yarrow and an obediant plant in the shade garden.
the one on the north my hubby pointed out gets more sun than I thought. We put cannas, ee, ferns and some caladiums in there. It is looking nice with the rocks in it. I'm so happy that I won't have to go back there and mow this year.
That Mrs Moon is gorgeous, sadly I think it's too hot down here for it.
You should be able to grow it a spring blooming shade flower - most lungwort/pulmonaria is good for zones 3-8 or 9 in the shade & has interesting foliage even after blooming. Check out a few varieties & see what works for your area. 
It says through zone 7, and I'm not interested in investing time and energy nursing a marginal plant along. Sometimes it's best to recognize that a plant is not going to do well in an area and invest in one that will.
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blueaussi I agree if it isn't hardy in your zone then it is very hard to make them grow only to loose them over the winter or in the very hot summer. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to