Share Your Crafts a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


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Gardeners are usually crafters as well, I remember on the old site we had at least one thread on crafts and I always got inspiration from seeing what others do. So share yours here.

I have a multitude of crafts I stick my fingers into but recently I started making these double sided glass pendants and I am doing rather well selling them too. They are addicting as I find so many images to use. There is a different image on each side so you can wear it either way.

So who else wants to share?


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I do needle work, sew, and paint. this took 4 1/2 years to complete


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I do a little bit of leather work. The last little project I did was much easier than the previous ones though because I started wearing my glasses for that close work.
Gardeners are usually crafters as well, I remember on the old site we had at least one thread on crafts and I always got inspiration from seeing what others do. So share yours here.

I have a multitude of crafts I stick my fingers into but recently I started making these double sided glass pendants and I am doing rather well selling them too. They are addicting as I find so many images to use. There is a different image on each side so you can wear it either way.

So who else wants to share?

Those are lovely and so well made.
it's gorgeous sssmuffin, well worth the time. I did a cross stitch of 3 wise men that took about 8 yrs because I didn't work on it steady, so I know how much work goes into things like that.
I understand about the glasses Randy, I am blind without mine, and to think I spent 30 years being nearsighted, now my arms aren;t long enough, lol.
That's what happened to me too. I had to use glasses for years to drive, now I don't need them. But if I want to do close work, they are a necessity.
Those are beautiful. I have craftitis so I'll dabble in whatever suits my fancy at the time. About 10 years ago I was painting ceramic doll head ornaments and I recently found a box of them I had leftover. I looked at them and went "eww!" It was before I'd gotten glasses and even though the eyes weren't that bad the eyelashes looked thick as bricks! lol I've got awhile to redo them to make them like I thought they looked in the first place.

Currently I'm teaching myself to tat.
I've enjoyed seeing these works of art by our members. I enjoy doing cross stitch, sewing and dabbling in this and that. Here's some of my cross stich pieces I've finished.


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And...a few more. The last is a small one that I'm just finishing. My avator is also a pic of one of my pieces.


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Gloria those are beautiful. I know they take lots of time. I used to do that when I was young but now I mostly do
Thanks Lyn, counted cross stitch does take lots of time to do. The Blue Willow piece took me about 8 months and that was working a little on it practically every day. I have a new one to start but I've been putting it off, the old eyes just ain't what they used to be!
Nice crafts!
Actually EXCELLENT! :):)

I do a little designing with clothing and window treatment and make gifts for loved ones.
Here is a few I did.
I have made almost all of my daughters clothing from when she was just about 1yr old until 11. I figured out by watching TV and reading,mostly doing and making notes as I went along. I sorta got thrown out of my sewing room to put a gym there,not much fun trying to design in a teeny tiny cramped bedroom.
I use to make 4 seasons of clothing for my daughter,summer for the males of the house and pillows,dresses, pj,etc.. for nieces and nephews.
I do stick to making special birthday dress (skirt) for my daughter every year, She almost always helps with the design. After all she has to wear it *LOL

It is getting a bit complicated now that she is older... So I cheated and made a shirt and top this year *lol

I love to sew and serge my own designs,have a few in my head for a few years now..waiting for the room to lay it all out..
I do some crocheting I have made lots of hats scarves,(Single beds was the biggest) blankets sets, booties, vests, skirts.Started playing with loom knitting last year.No room to put all my yarns, no fun digging for them ...

I was going to try cross stitch,actually I have a few patterns just no fun to try alone,My daughter finds it boring:(

We have done a few hook rug projects together and made stuff dolls and animals...

Can't think right now.

sassmuffin and Gloria, your needle work is so beautiful. I never was a very crafty person but oh how I would love to have some like yours.
Ladyhawthorne you have some very lovely pendents. You guys are so talented.
There is some awfully pretty stuff there. I learned to do leather tooling a hundred years ago in high school and About 15 years ago when my oldest grandaughter was quite young, I bought tools enough to have an activity that we could do together. Eventually she became interested in younger males though and put the leather working aside.


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Thank you! They come as a kit, but they are pretty costly. The leather pieces are all pre-cut, but you have to do the tooling yourself. It took me about a week to do that one. I have made three purses all told.
Beautiful work everyone. My crafty activity has been pretty limited the past few years due to school but I did manage to make a smoking jacket for my oldest. He doesn't smoke but for some reason he got it in his head that it would be cool.

Dora/Garden Goddess


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