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I have been given some seeds for various seeds but have no inkling the proper way to sow them. I have received seeds for Old Fashioned Wiegela(fuzzy looking things), Crepe Myrtle(flat, brown hard), Mock Orange(hard ball, broke has small things inside), French Lilac, and a dwarf red maple. If anyone has started these before some info or tips would be much apperciated!

I would think you would sow them the way you sow any seed. Moist, Warm, Light, and when they sprout, plant them into pots, You could probably keep them in pots for a year or more because they will probably grow slowly. You could put the pots in the ground and keep an eye on the root system. I'd let them grow into at least galllon size pots before I put them in the ground potless. They are much easier to water and keep an eye on when they're in pots. I'm not sure where you are located, if the winters are brutal, you could plant the pots in a more sheltered area for the cold spell.
I had tried sowing all of the seeds mentioned above, but only the mock orange germinated. But boy did it germinate! Thanks for the advice and I will check out that link Kya. Thanks

humm,(lost my post
I was going to suggest a cold or freezing temp period. I know several seed need that before germination will occur.
Great info Kya!

I have started several Privet from seed. I have them in a pot (some in the ground) and watching them. I do not want them to be taller them 5 1/2 feet.
Cuttings will probably work too on a few... And root quicker.
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