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Sharing a few pictures this is Rattle Snakes.


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We have something called a Rattle Snake Rodeo.People catch the snake's win money for the biggest.They pour them out and so call race them whom ever cross's the circle first wins $50.00.They have a huge art's and craft's show.All sorts of vendor's come's from all over.The snake handler's put on show's with them.Warn people not to handle them and the danger's of snake's.They also cook snake meat:eek:they say it taste like chicken.I'm not eating any.They had the country music singer Jeff Bates here putting on a show and a new lady Anna Garrett both were very good.
Great pics.
I truly don't much care for snakes.
I live by the "you leave me alone and I'll leave you alone" theroy (sp)
You know, I love doing event photography, and I attend lots of different festivals. For example, yesterday I spent all day at the Daffodil Festival.

However... The "Rattlesnake Rodeo" is one that I'd probably be inclined to skip. :)
Me too, Bob. I remember going to a "snake pit" in San Antonio, Texas and I was glad to be on the outside of that big circle. That was back in the early 1940's.
We have timber rattlers in the mountains where I hike, I've seen them on the trails as big around as softballs, they are pretty easy to avoid once you know where their dens are. I stay as far away as possible. They scare the hell out of me.
Oh come on you guys. You gotta be kidding me. What a cool thing to see. While I am not a big fan of venomous snakes I have a great interest in them. I love walking the swamps and woods taking pics as I go. They are actually beautiful if you get past the fear. As long as I know he's there you won't get bit.
I'm with you, Crabbergirl. I don't want venomous snakes, I'll stick with my garter and rat snakes in the yard, but out in nature they have their place. Usually they're more afraid of you than you are of them.
Can't say that I'd be up for a day of rattler rustling. My husband is phobically terrified of snakes of any kind and kills them if he comes across them. I'd probably just avoid them and let them go about their business. We had a corn snake in the purple martin gourds last year. Between my husband and my son they must have killed that poor snake ten times over. Me? I took pictures!
Those are some neat pictures..I think I would enjoy something like that just too see these guys up close..
Thanks for sharing the pictures.
You didn't have to be around the snake area if you didn't want to.I went to see all the neat craft's they had.But I had to make some picture's for my daughter Being she works with the Radio station and she could'nt get away to make them.She has to make the Ad for next year and needed some good picture's.They pay her $500.00 just to make a short ad.So I help her if I can.I live in the country I respect snake's but not scared when I see one.They take the venom and send it to where ever they make the anti-venom so there some good to this program.
I do not like any kind of snakes so I try to stay away from all of them. It gives me the chills to see them on tv that i have to change the channel....
But I had to make some picture's for my daughter Being she works with the Radio station and she could'nt get away to make them.

OK, I'm a wiseguy, so take this comment in a humorous way, but I got a chuckle out of that. Taking photos for a radio station? Wait a second...
(Yes, I know, they send out printed ads too, but still at first glance.)

They pay her $500.00 just to make a short ad.

$500? Well, in that case I would probably reconsider my "I don't photograph snake festivals" statement. ;)
I saw a couple hanging out in my yard sunning themselves on sat. I decided to leave them be as long as they take care of the moles for me.... I do not like them and will not be visiting that part of the yard that often. it will not be
We have something called a Rattle Snake Rodeo.People catch the snake's win money for the biggest.They pour them out and so call race them whom ever cross's the circle first wins $50.00.They have a huge art's and craft's show.All sorts of vendor's come's from all over.The snake handler's put on show's with them.Warn people not to handle them and the danger's of snake's.They also cook snake meat:eek:they say it taste like chicken.I'm not eating any.They had the country music singer Jeff Bates here putting on a show and a new lady Anna Garrett both were very good.

Ew, are you all wierd in Alabama? (hee, hee) Just teasing, of course. Of course you aren't all wierd, Forest Gump was from there and he is my favorite. What a sporting event, eh? Not my cuppo tea.
I'm deathly afraid of snakes so I could not, would not, and never would even think about going to a snake rodeo!!! I even have night mares about snakes!
I didn't think at the time we were digging a pond so close to my house that it would draw the attention of snakes. I deeply regret digging a pond!!
Snakes that are not poisonous can cause you to seriously hurt yourself so the farther away I am from the slithering varments ..the better I feel! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
