starting new mums from cuttings a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
Hi everyone, I have a question on starting new mums from cuttings. I have several types of mums that I want to start new mums that I can set out in new areas this fall. I know that I can start mums from cuttings of the main plant. What I am wondering, Do I need to put several cuttings together, to make a new plant that would be larger and bushier by this fall, or would by putting only one cutting by itself, get large, and bushier, from now (last of april) untill early fall in time for fall color? hope I explain what I'm wanting so anyone can understand!
thank you for any suggestions
I personally would put several together.. just cuz it would make a bushier plant this fall.
I have never started mums from cuttings. PLMK how they do.
I prefer dividing the existing clump.
It is a lot easier, since the side growth will already have a few new roots!
All you need to do is dig up the clump, shake off the soil and cut it into as many pieces as there are green growth!
I find potting up the individual growths works great to help them develop a good root system before setting out where you want to plant them.
Mums need to be divided every 1-5 years, so you will have lots of new plants. It is a good time to remove any dead growth.
Here's a good overview:
thanks Kya D, and Ron for the information. I think I will try it both ways, but I believe the way Ron described would be the fastest growth and spread. thanks again
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