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I really need some ideas for some fast growing trees that are hardy in zone 4
Super Moderator
Staff member
Paper Birch, Weeping Willow, Pussy Willow, Black Willow, Chinese Elm, quite a few of the Ash, Cottenwoods, Aspens, Northern Catalpa, Hackberry, Poplars, Lindens ... the list is a long one!
Thank you Ron
Some of those are really nice trees
Super Moderator
Staff member
I found that Poplars are one of the fastest trees, growing several feet a year!
We have 2, at our family summer place, that are around 15 years old and are well over 60' tall!
How large is the area you want to plant trees on? Area will make a difference on which trees to plant.
Around here Poplars are used as wind breaks!
Ash come in second in speed of growth!
Poplars sound like what i need. I have an acre and the wind NEVER stops blowing here
Thanks Ron great advice
Willows are fast growers but you need a big yard for them because their roots run to find water. So no planting near drains and etc.. My corkscrew willow was about an 8 inch twig when I planted it 4 yrs ago. Now at least 15 feet tall or more. I planted mine where water stood in the yard. Don't have that problem anymore.
OOOO I do love corkscrew willow.
My tree needs trimming so if you want some starts let me know.
Have you thought about evergreens like the leyland cypress, Carolina Sapphire, or Thurja Green Giant? is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to