What kind of trees and shrubs?

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I was just wondering what kind of trees and shrubs everyone has.

I have 3 Blue Spruces, a sweet cherry tree, sour cherry tree, hydrangea tree, boxed elder, pin oak, apple tree, one unknown tree, red maple, and Japanese red maple. Had a hibiscus tree until the wind storm last year did it in.

Bushes I have, red wielga and 2 pink ones. Hmmmmm I think I need more bushes! :eek:
I have 2 italian plum trees and my hubby just bought 2 peach and one cherry tree.
He also wants to get an apple tree or 2 the next time we go to town.
I know he HAS to buy another cherry tree because the 1st one he bought is not self fertile
OH I forgot bushes
Gold currant
Black currant
mock orange
rose of sharon
shrub roses
Dinner time I'll add more later.
I have Pecan trees, pear trees, fig trees, lots of Rose of Sharon, Japanese Red Maple, Little Gem Magnolia trees, Gardenias, Confederate Rose, and Hydrangea. Recently removed all the bushes in my two front flower beds.
I have Rose of sharon, hydrangeas, hibiscus, crepe myrtles, oak tree, gardenia, cannas, Red tip photinas, honeysuckles, hollys and two trees I got in a trade. I can't remember the name right now but they are slow growing.
To finish
I have old fashion lilac
primrose lilac
josee lilac
red lilac
dark purple lilac
white lilac
sensation lilac
That is all I can think of right now
I have a red maple,pin oak ( 2 ),hydrangea, lilacs ( 3 ),pa pa tree, rose of sharon ( 8 ),apple ( 2 ),smoke tree,hibiscus ( 4 ),holly bushes ( 9 ),rose bushes ( 1 red,1 white,1 yellow,1 pink ),birch tree ( 2 ) and the list will grow in time!

Now I love bonsai trees:
Juniper ( 6 ), Mungo Pine, Red Dogwood, White Dogwood,Dawn Redwood,Japanese Red Maple,Mini Orange,Cherry, Mini Plum ( my own creation ),Banana,Magnolia ( 3 ),Japanese Pine ( 2 ) Ginkgo/Fossil Tree and the list will grow,I'm sure!
We have over a hundred trees on our place here and most of them were here when we bought the place. There is a wooded area in our pasture next to the house and it has oaks and Douglas Firs mostly. We have apples, plums, cherries, and pears in our orhard, hazelnut trees, Holly, pines, maples, oaks, magnolia, lilacs, rhododendrons, heather, camelias, and I'm sure I have forgotten some.
We have an apple and an oak in the back yard and a Chinese pisah and maple in the front. for bushes we have roses, rose of sharon, and azalea .
I have pecan tree's pine, dogwood,oak,maple,chinaberry,sycamore,bay,ash,other's don't know name.Shrubs,gardenia,mock orange,rose of sharon,honeysuckle,Azeala,Hibiscus,
hydrangea,alot of roses,crepe myrtles theres others can't think of all of them.
I have maples and a transplanted Eastern cedar in my immediate yard and a variety in the woods. For orchard trees I have 2 peach, 1 nectarine, 1 plum, 1 Cortland apple, 1 Rome apple, 1 Golden Delicious.
For shrubs I have a gold flame spirea, spirea japonica, burning bush, lavender colored azalea, lavender colored rhodie, forsythia, Rose of Sharon, and a tall green bush that starts with an "e" that I can't think of the name now, but we call it the Larry, Curly, and Moe because once it got big the heavy snow made us realize it has 3 trunks instead of just one!
To finish
I have old fashion lilac
primrose lilac
josee lilac
red lilac
dark purple lilac
white lilac
sensation lilac
That is all I can think of right now

Kya D I would love some starts from your lilacs! The Josee and red. I have been looking at the Josee for a while now!
My trees..3 oaks, mimosa, weeping willow, cedar, crepe myrtle, hawthorn, fig, dogwood, 2 daddy grey beards, and one unknown variety in which I have 5 because they grow fast, give shade and do not grow over 35 ft tall.
Bushes.. 3 needle point holly's, loads of rose of sharon, 4 butterfly bushes, camelia, 3 gardenias, dozen or more hydrangias, 4 confederate roses, several rose bushes, a marion berry bush and 8 blueberry bushes..there's more but the names are unknown to me!!!

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