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I took this picture of the frost/ice last week
poor ruined fanny 014.jpg
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· Views: 378
poor ruined fanny 015.jpg
180.9 KB
· Views: 363
Super Moderator
Staff member
Thanks for the shivery reminder!
I should be able to wear my shorts tomorrow!
It was so pretty that I didn't mind it being that cold.
I can NOT imagine that cold in May???
It can frost here until the 10th of June so no tenders planted out till then
Super Moderator
Staff member
That is cool Dawn. I had crystals on mine several days since Dec. I like looking at your picture better than my windshield

Ain't that the truth.
Dang girl you are in FL, I didn't know it got that cold down there
I used to get frost like that in Oregon. I think we are too dry in Iowa for frost like that.
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