What's the weather in your area? 2013 Edition

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we got our break as well.......its about time.....but we didnt get the rain....it went all around us......so had to water the gardens again.....nice to have the windows opened again and fresh air.....hope it stays this way for the rest of the summer.....well I can wish cant I????
lovely cool morning for a change.......even if its cloudy and rain is coming lateron......its so much better than all that blasted heat.....
So glad we are have more typical summer weather now!
That heat wave last week really knocked the life out of me!
72f and should get up to 78 this afternoon..
Hazy sunshine this morning with light winds out of the SE...
Our days have been pleasant, but we are on a warming trend now with temperatures in the high 80's and low 90's. No rain is in the offing though.
You could say we are on a warming trend. We are watching to see what number plus 100 that we stop at. so far we are at 98 but then the day is still young. Maybe we will stay here after all it is partly cloudy today.
Our weather guessers are saying we will get up to 90 degrees today. I have some inside computer work to do so that will work out fine.
had lots of rain last night.....and a cool front is coming thru.....we should be in the 70's today, and 50's tonight......much better.....what a hot tropical summer we have been having.....so many 90's and 100's.......
The coldfront moved in late yesterday.....
It's 59F this morning and our high for toay will be 70F!
Glad we are now having a break from all the heat and humidity we've been having!
Winds are out of the NNE....
It'll slowly warm up again each day this week!

Funny how the full moon usually does a switch in the weather!!!!
We are supposed to cool off a couple of degrees today, but that is still bumping 90 degrees pretty hard. We were supposed to reach 90 yesterday and went up to 95. I stayed down here in my dungeon (basement). The temperature down here yesterday was 70 degrees.
we are having low 70;s here........should be like that for a few days, and sunday a thunderstorm with high humidity again.....
Our night temperatures have been dropping to about 60 degrees and the day temperatures hitting about the mid 90's. The weather guessers keep telling us we are going to have a cooling trend, but I haven't seen it yet.
We are to be at 100 again today then tomorrow a chance of rain and in the lower 90's. We hoope the guessers are right
wow thats toasty, and I had it for almost a month so I know what thats like......a glorious day here.....85 and low humidity.....couldnt wait to get out of work and enjoy it......
Cloudy with showers expected!
Maybe a few thunderstorms later on today as a clodfront moves through!
Only going up to 75 but very muggy!
Very weird cool weather for the end of July!
raining heavy here today......we needed a good rain tho, so not complaining......will be sunny and 80's the rest of the week......that will be fabulous.......
The weather continues to be weird!
It feels more like September then July!
63F going up to only 70F!!!
Yesterday was a really nice day. I don't think we made it up to 80 degrees but we came close. We had some clouds but not solid overcast.
Can I say HHHH....... it will be up in the triple digits today. We have a partly cloudy sky and a wind of 10-15 mph. I went out for my walk early and it was too hot by the time I finished. No rain is forecast but we can pray.
We haven't had any measurable rain in almost a month now. It was cool (50 degrees) this morning and will get up into the mid or upper 70's before the day is over. There was a solid overcast early but that will probably be burnt off by the time I finish my computer time down here in the dungeon.

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