What's the weather in your area? 2014 Edition

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We were expecting freezing rain but didn't get any!
Going up to 43 this afternoon with rain!
Cloudy with a light wind out of the south.
Will shift and come out of the SW later today with 24 mph winds....

They are calling for another snowstorm for the end of the week into the weekend!
Could get 2 to 4 inches........maybe
It has been wonderful weather here..been able to hike everyday in sun...mid 60's to 70 degrees...now the rain is on it's way , car windows this am ice over
20 when I woke up........grey and 30 now........HAPPY SPRING everyone! its about time, but mother nature doesnt know that yet.....hope she catches up.....we need some 50's an 60's soon........
We have moderate fog this morning. I haven't stepped outside to check the temperature though. I know the rain is returning this afternoon but maybe we'll get a little show of sunshine before the rains come.
it started to rain here this afternoon, with some freezing rain mixed in and snow in the higher elevations.......
Been raining all afternoon but the worst was this evening with gale force winds and pounding rain!

Coldfront is moving in and expecting a very windy day tomorrow with flurries.....
Still warm and humid here, by now it should have subsided.......can't plant any winter flowers yet as it's still too hot.....87F
40 here this morning with peaks of sun......its trying to come out...hope it succeeds......Im tired of the gloom
34F with a good 24 mph wind out of the WSW.
Going up to 36 this afternoon then dropping to 23 overnight once the coldfront passes through.

John, looks like you will be having an extended summer.....like we are having a longer winter!
Expecting below normal temps for the next several weeks!
Temps in the Arctic are above normal so will continue with these arctic vortexes.....at least the jet stream has been slowly moving north but still sags south of the Great Lakes......Spring will be late in coming.....still have not started peppers seed yet or anything else except cactus seeds.....
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didnt get to 53 today......the winds picked up and kept it at 40 all day....still had some melting, but not a very spring like day for us today....
30 this morning and sunny.......going up to 45 today........we shall see....still see the wind outside tho....making it chilly......
28F with sunny skies.
No winds.
Going up to 39F this afternoon with calm conditions.
An Alberta Clipper is on its way bringing just rain this evening and overnight.
It's 52*F here and cloudly. We're going up to 72*F today and more clouds. I hope spring isn't too late cause I have a lot of tomatoes and peppers that need to go out.
The next 4 days will be in the 50's with lows in the 30's.
Other than a high of 72 degrees, Trax, you are having weather much like ours. It was 38 degrees when I went outside earlier, but the sun is out and only a few clouds in the sky, so we will probably get at least into the low 50's.
it was 40 here today and sunny.....but the wind kept the warmth down a bit.......it didnt feel very spring like.....they are talking about snow, freezing rain mix for tonight......now thats really not spring like.....
another warm and humid day here, with passing showers. We're getting close to the dry season here but intermittent rain is still persisting. We're still getting cyclones forming in the Coral Sea too which means the ocean still has the warm currents flowing past my state....today's temp 85F
We are under a freezing rain warning for tonight....rain changing to freezing rain with snow mixed in overnight.
32F dropping to 30 then up to 37 tomorrow afternoon.
No significant amounts expected.
45*F here and only going up to 57*F today but sunny. Feels cold outside but hey, the 36*F tonight's gonna feel even colder.
Cloudy and 34F.....Winds are picking up out of the west!
37F this afternoon then dropping to 16F overnight as 2 coldfronts pass through!!!
the clipper went north I guess.....we didnt get the snow/freezing rain......not that I missed getting it......its 35 now and supposed to go up to 53 today.....

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