Zone 4 newbe. a friendly and growing community of gardeners. We feature a Garden Discussion Forum and Garden Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other gardeners, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more! Whether you're a master gardener, or brand new to the hobby, you'll find something of interest here.


New Member
Hi all, just signed up. I grow in containers for the most part. I love growing Citrus, Figs, Bananas, Coffee and Palms, the latest is Plumerias.
Well, welcome and thank you for joining! (where's zone 4?) I was in Hawaii once and in Caymans so I THINK I may have seen plumeria. We learn a lot from each other ~ We are a sharing group, I do believe ~ Curbie :)


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Welcome aboard, get those fingers ready to get dirty with the rest of us and jump right on in - anytime!! :p:D
Hey Plant good to see you here. We are always looking for new faces for our group.
Does anyone remember a TV Show called 'Car 54 Where are you?' Plant54, Where are you? Probably tending to the plants. ~ Curbie :)
Oh I should have known that would come from Curbie!! LOL! I do remember.

WELCOME Plant54. Glad you found us. As you can see we are a fun loving group and we talk about waaaay more than plants.
We have a wide range of gardeners from actual farmers to those with patio plants, so I am sure you will fit right in.
If you need any help just give a yell and someone will be sure to lend a hand.
I remember that TV show very well with officers Tootie and Muldoon. One of the places I worked at assigned me "54" for my radio communications. The reasoning was obvious.
oh.......obvious....... are you obvious, Randy (aka Muldoon) ? i know i'm not WHERE is the dear newbie??? :) ~ Curbie (aka.......uh...)
Where is zone 4? Is that North or South? This computer has been having problems with putting things in wherever it chooses. I apologize. We only got 2 inches of snow today but the power lines are dropping like rocks here.~ Curbie :)
oh.......obvious....... are you obvious, Randy (aka Muldoon) ? i know i'm not WHERE is the dear newbie??? :) ~ Curbie (aka.......uh...)

Not really, but with the radio, they could find out where I was. I was in sales and system design by then, but in extreme weather conditions, I still made some service calls to help keep things running.
You are a trooper, Randy! I would have loved to have met your parents. (And I have learned a great amount of respect and knowledge from this forum.) 54.....where are you ? We're missing you ~ Curbie
You would have loved my folks. I tease my wife about many things, but one of them is that she married me because she loved my folks. That is a little exaggerated, but not much. My folks didn't have sons-in-law or daughters-in-law in the usual sense. They were daughters and sons. My Mom told MF one time that she copuld always tell when Dad was talking on the phone to her or my sister-in-law Wanda. Dad's very speech would turn to syrup, it was so sweet when talking to them, and it was genuine. If we had ever come to the point of separation, I'm not sure they wouldn't have takem MF in and let me fend for myself. We never even came close though. They really were unhappy when we moved to Oregon as we were the only ones in our family that had stayed close to home. My siblings were nomads. Their jobs took them all over the country or around the world. It took just a few years though and my folks sold their place in California and moved up here close to us.
"My siblings were nomads." well......can we blame it on them???? :) Bottom line is (in my opinion) is you both were raised well. Parenting is a skill. "You have whom you have and you may have more so be prepared."'s called attention. Choices are an amazing gift to children ~ "YOU chose THAT and I chose YOU and don't get to choose....Ready set go to fix dinner!" I think 'UN'-chosen is a word ~ Curbie :) :) :) nomads....i'll be quiet now...... is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
